Settling In

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We pull up outside a massive building, made from white and gold marble. There's a fancy carpet leading up to the doors, and the outside lighting comes from what looks like real flaming torches on the walls.

Eagle looks over at me. "This is the Marriott Champs-Elysees hotel. Placed perfectly in the centre of the city and about as luxurious as you can get."

I stare up in awe at it, and two uniformed porters come to take my backpack. I wave them off - while the stuff in there isn't expensive, I want to hang onto my own things.

The lobby is grand and wide enough for me to run laps around, shining marble and quartz everywhere. The check-in process is smooth and fast; all Eagle has to do is show them a card and he is in.

We head up a lift to floor three, and walk along an opulent corridor to my room. Our shoes make little noise on the thick carpet, and Beau flies out of my hood to whiz round my head. "Woooo, Pa-ris!"

"Beau, be serious now. We have a job to do, and I don't want to mess around."

Beau looks cheekily across at me. "Raven, as much as I like you buddy, it doesn't hurt to have some fun sometimes."

I scowl, and as Eagle unlocks the door with the same card, I push in first to take a look.

The room is obviously expensive. The whole thing is spotless, the thick carpet and soft bed sheets smelling like perfume. I poke around the room - apparently one of my agents has been here before me.

They've left a bag of my clothes on the desk, and I pick out a blue shirt a few sizes too big for me as well as some shorts. The shirt is like that on purpose, of course. After all the form-fitting clothing I wear sometimes on stage or during a modelling session, it's nice to put on something loose.

I peek into the fancy bathroom, glancing at the plethora of skin and hair products that someone's left there. I don't understand why they want me to use them so badly, but I will use them later anyway.

Eagle gestures grandly to the large space. "Here is your home for as long as you're staying in Paris."

It looks amazing, but it gets even better when Eagle opens a small fridge, and inside it sits a small stack of various-coloured euro banknotes. The smallest amounts are in fifties, coloured orange, and at the very bottom there's a few purple-coloured five hundreds.

I whistle appreciatively. "Eagle, this is a lot."

"Feel free to spend as much of it as you want." He plonks himself on a wide, comfy-looking king-size bed, gesturing for me to take one of the few chairs in the room.

"Now, shall we discuss a plan?" He looks across the room at me as I take a seat on the chair, and I nod. "So, what do you know so far?"

I think for a second. "So there's these two Miraculous users, called Ladybug and Chat Noir. They fight another Miraculous user called Hawkmoth, who summons monsters to try to take the duo's Miraculouses. And if someone has both Ladybug and Chat Noir's Miraculous, they can make a single wish. Mine would be to bring back Wolf."

Eagle nods. "Correct. Hawkmoth's monsters are called akuma by the local population. Their goal is always to cause enough damage that Ladybug and Chat Noir show up to fight."

He appears to be in deep thought. "All you would have to do to find them is to show up at the same time as an akuma, then you'll have a chance to take their Miraculous."

"So," I absently touch my own Miraculous, the raven skull necklace I've gotten so used to wearing. "How do I know when an akuma is about to strike?"

"We'll place you at Collège Françoise Dupont as a school student." Eagle pronounces it with a perfect accent. "That seems to be a hotspot for akuma, so that increases your chance of finding one. If not that, then just follow the screaming."

Eagle excuses himself soon after. "Your modelling agency will take care of you for the next few days. I will always be watching you, and providing combat support if needed, but as far as the public is concerned, you are here to model."

"Take a shower, prepare yourself, maybe get some sleep. Someone from your agency will be around later."

After he leaves, I grab the blue shirt and the shorts, heading into the bathroom to strip and immediately hop into the shower.

There's a huge selection of buttons that I ignore, only turning up the heat and the power of the water. Ow! Maybe a bit too hot. I turn it down a notch before it can burn me. Leaning against the tiled wall with the water pointed at me is bliss, and I spend a few serene seconds there, letting the hot water pound into my chest.

I get to washing myself, using several types of shampoo and conditioner in a bubbly mixture. It's normal for me, but still annoying; showers take so much longer because every single time I have to do this.

Wanna know the downside of modelling? The fact that everywhere you go, you have to look pristine.

A few minutes pass, and I'm done with the shower. I turn off the water regretfully, and grab a thick towel off the rack. It takes another few minutes to dry off, and I dress quickly, enjoying the feel of the soft fabric against my skin.

The shower'd made me really tired, and I couldn't help but yawn. Jet lag I guess... I walk over to the huge bed dominating the centre room and slump onto it, grabbing the TV remote and turning it on.

It glows white, then changes into a news report. Apparently today's weather is going to be great. No rain, just pure sunshine. That means the agency will probably have me out and about.

I flick through a few of the channels, not really finding something to watch. I can understand French fine, and I can speak it well, but all these shows look so different to ones back in America.

Ugh. Whatever. I scoot back on the bed and pull back the covers. They're heavy and soft, and I slide under them, snuggling into the warmth. Might as well sleep for a bit... I yawn again, and close my eyes, lying down on my side. 

Dire Raven (Miraculous Ladybug x male villain reader)Where stories live. Discover now