"If I Have to Complete One More Square..."

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Ping. Ping. Ping.

I glance down at my phone, at the messages that are coming through. It's the middle of the class, but somehow Alya is managing to send messages while we're all supposed to be doing maths equations.

I quickly put my phone on silent before anyone else hears it pinging. Nathaniel glances sideways at me, raising an eyebrow at my phone, but doesn't say anything related to it. "Y/N, I was wondering..."

I hum in response, sliding my phone into my pocket and glancing up at his turquoise eyes. "Yeah?"

He flushes red under my gaze, looking away for a moment before gathering the courage to stare me in the eyes. "I was wondering, when you go travelling, do your parents go with you? Because Adrien doesn't travel outside of Paris that much, and when he does, it's only for a small amount of time."

I force a small smile, and reach down to grasp my necklace. The raven's skull is cold as ever against my collarbone, and I fish it out of my shirt to show him. "In a way, my parents do travel with me. Everywhere I go."

"Oh." Nathaniel seems to get the hint, and falls silent. "Sorry."

Reaching across to pat him on the shoulder, I shake my head. "Don't be sorry, it's been a long time, and I don't tell many people this." He perks up just a bit, and I look down at my equations and pretend to be doing them. "It's difficult, sure, but I've had to grow up fast anyway. And I had people by my side."

He nods solemnly, and I slap him on the shoulder playfully to try and lighten the mood. He jerks back in surprise, and I press my lips together to keep myself from laughing. "Anyyyyway, help me with this? I can draw squares, but apparently learning how to complete the square is much harder..."

Nathaniel smirks, leaning over to me and guiding my hand to the paper. "First, it's a good idea to read the question. It asks you to solve the equation via completing the square, not to draw random shapes across the worksheet."

"Hey, do I look like I know how to do maths?" I protest, making him hold back a laugh. "The only time I get to learn stuff is when I stay in New York, I haven't gone to school in a different country before."

"Actually, you do look pretty uneducated."

"Shut the actual fuck up."

"Just because you're a model doesn't mean you can boss me around."

I lightly punch him in the side, making him screw his eyes up in fake pain while laughing. "No, it's because if you don't shut up, I'll-"

"Nathaniel, Y/N? Is there a problem over there?" Miss Bustier's voice rings through the classroom, surprisingly loud considering her normal speech. "Do I need to come over and check your work?"

Most of the class glances back at us, making me flush red at all the sudden attention. Alya and Nino waggle their eyebrows at me, Nino mouthing 'busted' silently. Nathaniel turns even more red next to me, his skin turning the colour of his hair.

I do my best to shoot a death stare at Nino, while smiling for the teacher. "No, miss. Sorry for interrupting your lesson, there's no problem here." As soon as I'm done, I discreetly throw Alya the middle finger.

She gasps in mock surprise, and I return my attention to the teacher. "Ok, Y/N. Try to focus on your studies, I don't know how long you'll be here, but you have a lot to catch up on."

I nod innocently, returning to try and work out at least one of the questions, and Nathaniel quietly points out key things I need to work on. He's very helpful, like he is in every lesson, and I give him a big smile of gratitude as he shows me the answer for the first question.

The rest of the lesson goes on like that, him teaching me what Miss Bustier couldn't, and me trying my best to wrap my head around it. I also try my best to ignore Beau, scurrying around inside my backpack and looking for something. Probably candy.

By the time we're done, my head is aching, and Beau's movements are growing more and more irritated. The bell rings, signalling two hours had passed, and we're let free for lunch. My legs feel like wet noodles as I try to stand up, and my head spins as I get up. I lean on Nathaniel as we both get up, him supporting my shoulders with one arm. "You alright, Y/N?"

"Yeah..." I lean on him heavily, groaning. "But if I have to complete one more square I might die."

He laughs softly. "Then let's hope we don't have Maths tomorrow."

We navigate over to the exit, where Marinette and Adrien are waiting for me. Alya and Nino are bickering about something between them, but the other two kind of just stand there awkwardly.

As they see me though, their eyes light up, before going to Nathaniel with matching questioning looks. He realises as soon as both pairs of eyes fall on him, and removes his arm from my shoulder.

I glance between the three of them as an awkward silence follows, feeling slightly off. What is going on? "Uh... wanna head to the cafeteria? I've gotta pick up some food, I didn't pack any."

Alya appears at our side, grabbing Marinette by her hand and tugging her off. "Sorry, but Marinette needs to be the decider between Nino and I." She smiles widely. "I'll catch you after you've got your food, we'll be in the yard."

"Wait, I do?!" Marinette squeaks, before being pulled half off her feet away from us.

Nathaniel rubs the back of his head, looking shyly at me and avoiding eye contact with Adrien. "I'll pick up some books from the library, I might join you later. I've gotta find Marc first."

"Alright, see you!" I happily say. He gives me a small grin, and with that we begin walking off in our different directions.

Adrien appears at my side. "Don't forget about me!"

"Like I would." I laugh as he falls into step with me. "By the way, when is your dad gonna book another modelling session with me? I'm free for the next few days, and even though I think I have a surprise concert soon, I have plenty of free time."

"You would spend your free time... doing work?"

"It ain't work if you have fun doing it, and I think with you it'll be fun, sooooo..." I glance sideways at him. "Get your dad to call my agents."


We reach the cafeteria, and that's when someone else decides to show their ugly face. 

Dire Raven (Miraculous Ladybug x male villain reader)Where stories live. Discover now