Entering the Mansion

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Before we can move from where we're standing, a smartly dressed woman hurries up to us. She's holding what looks to be a heavy microphone, and behind her there's a man carrying a large camera on his shoulder.

"My name is Nadja Chamack, and I'm here on the scene of the latest akuma attack! I'm just about to speak to some of the students affected by this attack." She flicks her magenta hair to one side, and as soon as her eyes set on me she gasps dramatically.

"Y/N L/N! Is that you?"

I nod, giving a small smile, and she shoves the microphone in my face. "So, how long have you been in Paris?"

I think about it. "Only a few days so far."

"I bet this attack must have been terrifying for you then, being your first one?" She smiles brightly.

"Mmmm, not really." I ignore her questioning look. "It was certainly a surprise to see a living, breathing monster and a pair of superheroes, but it wasn't too different from movies." Nadja nods vigorously and moves on to another group of students, and Marinette pulls me and Adrien away before we can get questioned further.

"How far is it to your house, Adrien?" He opens his mouth and is about to answer me, when Marinette butts in.

"It's like half an hour's walk from here!"

Uhhhh... How does she know that? I nod and smile, and Marinette practically skips ahead to lead the way.


It's a peaceful, fun walk. Most people are either in work or in school, so there's barely anyone out. Alya and Nino both seem really nice, and as we move through the quiet streets I get to know them a bit better.

Alya enthusiastically introduces herself as an online video creator and owner of a web platform called the Ladyblog. I looked her up on my phone while we were walking, and it's really popular, acting as both a fan account and news platform.

With my consent, she takes a few pictures of me walking alongside Adrien, not for the Ladyblog but for social media, and posts it, hinting at a collaboration between us.

Nino is just as energetic, and reveals he's into DJing, as well as being decent at taking photos. In fact, he seems even more excited than Alya, bouncing as he walks.

When I ask him about it, he laughs. "Do I really seem that happy? Basically, it isn't often I get to see the Agreste mansion. His dad kinda hates me, but who knows, maybe he'll let us in this time to like... play video games or something."

Adrien and Marinette are walking up ahead, laughing about something, and I glance at Nino. "What about Adrien's mom? Surely both of them won't hate you."

Nino sucks in a breath. "Adrien doesn't have a mom anymore, dude. She died years ago."


We fall into silence for a few minutes, and I just look around, enjoying the feeling of just being relaxed and free.

"So, what's it like being famous?" Alya asks me.

"It's pretty good," I reply. "But there are a lot of downsides." Alya looks over at me, surprised, and I carry on. "Like, a lot of people think it's a cushy life, but it's downright exhausting having to work all the time and having your entire life scheduled. Then there's all the people over-sexualising you..."

I shudder slightly, and both Alya and Nino laugh loudly. "Seriously?!"

"Yeah, being a model kinda sucks when you search yourself up and stuff. You get good attention, but a lot of unwanted attention too." I count a few things off on my fingers. "Constant photos being taken, hearing people fantasise about you as a celebrity crush, questionable fan art, and even fanfiction."

Nino bursts out laughing at the last one, face going red from exertion. "Fanfiction? Really?"

Suppressing a smile of my own, I nod a yes. "I've read some of it. Lots of NSFW stuff, lots of kinky stuff, but overall not too bad."

Their laughs only get louder, and as we turn the next corner, the Agreste Mansion comes into view.

It's a huge place, and looks like something from the medieval age. The mansion is completely walled off on all four sides, made from huge stone blocks that look nigh impenetrable. The wall is topped off with a black metal railing, spikes protruding and practically shouting 'go away'.

We stop at the entrance, huge metal gates. There's a fancy looking security device next to it on the wall, and Adrien approaches it with a grim look on his face.

He turns back to us before looking at the camera. "You guys probably won't be allowed in. Father doesn't really like outsiders..." He meets my eyes apologetically. "Probably see you at school tomorrow though?"


After hearing my reply, Adrien turns to the device, and presses a button. A camera flicks on, and a small screen hums to life right above it.

There's a middle-aged woman staring into the camera, her eyes colder than stone and her posture straighter than a ruler. "Adrien."

The blond boy in question swallows nervously. "Hi Nathalie. I was wondering if some friends could come in today for a bit? I know I have a photo shoot, but this one we can do inside the house, and it would... be nice to have them there."

"Your father is currently working. I'll ask him, but don't get your hopes up. Who are you planning to invite?"

Adrien beckons us into view of the camera. "Alya, Nino, Marinette, and Y/N."

"Y/N? That's a new name."

"Y/N L/N? That famous model? You must know him, surely."

There's a long pause. "This certainly does change things. Your father does want to see him, so feel free to bring all of them in."

"Why would Father want to see Y/N?" Adrien looks at me, confused, and I just shrug.

"He is interested in a... business deal." Nathalie speaks with a heavy, dead tone, betraying no emotion.

For some reason, I shiver. 

Dire Raven (Miraculous Ladybug x male villain reader)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum