The French Lunch

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"Y/N!" I've barely stepped into the room before I'm being buried under the weight of a teenage girl. "Adrien! My two besties!"

I glance over at Adrien, annoyed as Chloe tries squeezing herself between us and leaning her weight on my shoulder. She really is quite self-interested, isn't she? "Chloe, I'm not your bestie in any form of the word."

"Nonsense," She replies haughtily, squishing up close to me. "You're my best friend, and you like me. Just admit it."

I raise an eyebrow, taking note of the way a few of the people in the cafeteria glance in our direction. One boy is struggling to hold in a laugh, and I look over Chloe's shoulder to roll my eyes at him. What can you do sometimes...

"I don't like you, Chloe. Not as a partner, and not as a friend." I pat Adrien's shoulder, and place a hand on Chloe to push her back a bit. "So, can you please leave me alone, and let me get some food?"

Chloe tries to get in between us again, complaining when I push her away, and this time the smile I give her is slightly more forced. "I'm not gonna ask again."

"Hey, you can't tell me what to do!" The blonde girl squeals angrily. "I'll have you know my daddy is the mayor, and he is very powerful. He owns the city!"

"Ah..." I'm about to reply, when I remember Hawkmoth's words. Sweet little Raven, how do I know? Paris belongs to me. I shiver slightly, but at the same time, it brings me a bit of confidence. I'm much more powerful than the classmates Chloe bosses around on the daily, and I'm certainly more powerful than this brat of a teenager.

A sudden rush of... annoyance floods through me, and I look Chloe directly in her eyes. "Chloe." I smile wide, seeing her surprised and confused gaze. "I couldn't care less. I'm a world-class celebrity, and even though I don't like to admit it, I will this once. You think I care about Paris? If you don't want me, there's thousands of other cities I can bring my business to. So stop."

Her mouth drops open with shock, and I turn to Adrien, happily smiling and tugging on his arm to pull him into the cafeteria. "Anyway, shall we?"

He had been watching me with a mix of emotions on his face, but as soon as I walk with him to the queues, he smiles wide and his attention returns to what we were talking about before. "I really did enjoy the last time we modelled together, though! It'll make it much more fun to do it with you, and hopefully my dad will be happy to work again with a model as good as you!"

"I'm not that good..." I awkwardly rub the back of my neck as we wait in the queue, the din of the lunch hall making it slightly difficult to hear each other.

"Y/N, what are you on about?!" Adrien exclaims, facing me and placing one hand on either of my shoulders. "You model, you sing, you dance, you're so good at everything you do, and you should be proud of yourself for that!"

I flush, cheeks growing hot as I look up at Adrien. I'd been told that many many times from people I worked with, but hearing it from a friend just made it... better. Different, like he wasn't just saying it to be nice, but because he actually thought that I was good. "Thanks..."

We reach the front of the lunch queue, and I give a small glance over the food. It's so different to the junk there is back home, instead, the food looks both healthy, and tasty.

Adrien scans over the menu and food, reading each label. They all look really, really good, and my mouth waters at the sight of it all. He turns to me. "What do you want to get?"


He chuckles. "Each day, there's four dishes. A starter, a warm main dish and side, and a dessert. I'll just get the full thing for you."

He speaks a few words to the server, who smiles at him and ladles out the food into a few plates on a tray. Adrien passes the first tray to me, and takes a second for himself. He doesn't have to give money or anything, and simply walks off, beckoning with his head for me to follow.

"Don't you have to pay?" I hurry over to him, trying to ignore the many eyes that are now on us. It seems people had just realised that two famous kids were in their cafeteria, talking together.

"Oh, it's all prepaid. Don't worry about it!" Adrien brings me over to another table, with a few water dispensers and a huge tray of what looks like fresh bread. "You want any bread or water with that? It's unlimited, don't worry."

This is... very different to the U.S. "Yeah, sure?" I take a piece of bread, as well as a cup of water alongside Adrien, and we both take a seat at one of the tables. "Weren't we going to meet up with Marinette?"

"Oh, you can't bring food out of the cafeteria. We'll find her after we've finished, there's plenty of time." Adrien leans over the table, pointing at my food. "Today, we have cucumbers with mint, lamb tagine, organic yoghurt, and diced peaches."

I stare wide-eyed at my food, picking at the bread as Adrien starts to eat. He glances up, watching me with a question in his eyes. "Something wrong?"

"It's just... very different to where I come from. Normally, all the school food is really unhealthy, and doesn't taste nice, and is overall horrible."

"Sounds bad." Adrien struggles to get the words out around a mouthful of lamb, and I snicker, finally beginning to eat.

It's a delicious meal, and definitely better than any school lunch I've ever had. It's like a proper restaurant's meal, with everything being high-quality, and seemingly fresh-made.

I scarf it down quickly, and in only a few minutes we're mostly done eating the main meals. As I reach for the yoghurt and peaches, Adrien raises a fork in warning. "Have you had plain yoghurt before?"

"Yeah. Is this gonna be sour?"

"Mhm." I take a small spoon of it. It isn't that bad, but I shrug and pour all the peaches into it. "Should make it nicer to eat."

"If you say so." Adrien smiles, resting both elbows on the table and holding his chin in his hands while staring at me. His eyes flicker from mine, down to my lips, then coming back up. He smiles.

"Do I have something on my face?"

"No, you're perfectly fine." 

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 22, 2023 ⏰

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Dire Raven (Miraculous Ladybug x male villain reader)Where stories live. Discover now