Sweet Little Raven

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The Agreste Mansion isn't at all like other mansions. While most of the ultra-rich prefer opulent, carpeted floors, golden candlesticks and chandeliers, this mansion couldn't be more different.

At least for most of the parties I've been to, the rich seem to love the medieval style of things, with fancy tuxedos and dresses. They like the opulent, comfortable style. Here, there is none of that.

After a short wait, the main gate opens, both the metal doors swinging slowly inwards. Despite their huge size, there is no noise at all.

Once they finish opening, we're escorted across a wide courtyard by the same grim-faced woman that had appeared on the security system. She walks with a perfectly straight back, heels clicking on the floor.

We walk through a wide set of wooden doors, and pretty much everything is in glass and marble. There's huge windows letting in lots of natural light, but instead of making the place seem brighter, it just casts an ethereal, cold swathe of light across the floor.

The walls and floor are polished marble, and our shoes make loud clunks every time we take steps.

Adrien was much more relaxed, but as we walk through a large open looby, his spine straightens like there's an invisible string pulling him upwards. "Where is Father?"

Nathalie answers briefly, while still walking. "Your father only wants to see Y/N for now. The rest of you have free access to the house, bar your father's personal rooms."

Adrien stops, and Marinette stops alongside him. "Why?" I look back, and it's easy to see the raw hurt in his eyes.

"I don't know. Ask him next time you see him." Nathalie turns to talk to me. "Y/N, would you be so kind as to follow me? Adrien and his friends know their way around already."

"I-" I don't want to leave them. Adrien's emerald eyes meet mine, asking a silent question. Why do you get the special treatment?

Nathalie's eyes narrow, and her next words come out harsh and hard. "Y/N, follow me to see Mr Agreste. He doesn't like to be kept waiting."

A chill runs down my spine, and upon Nathalie's cue I follow behind her cautiously. The windows are tinted, casting eerie shapes onto the walls.

There's a soft tap in my pocket, and I glance down to see Beau's big eyes staring up at me. I'd forgotten about him, has he been in my pocket this entire time?

I make a mental note to buy him extra candy next time I get a chance for being so good, and mouth a silent 'sorry' down at him. He sighs quietly, and flies up behind me to unzip my backpack and hop inside while Nathalie isn't looking.

We stop outside another pair of double doors, these ones made from reflective black metal. Nathalie punches a code into a panel on the side, and we head into a large room.

The floor is black and white chequered marble, the walls a perfect shade of black. Paintings hang on one wall, stone statues stand like silent guards on the other, and against the back wall there's a raised desk.

Gabriel Agreste sits behind the desk, dressed in a perfectly pressed suit with a red tie. He stares at me over his round glasses, and clicks his tongue in satisfaction.

"Do take a seat, young Y/N." He does a little gesture with his hand. "Nathalie, you may go supervise my son."

I sit down in a simple chair in front of his desk. Yet, it's still below the height of his chair, so I have to half look up to see him.

She leaves immediately, and Mr Agreste tilts his head. "When I heard the world famous model and actor was in Paris, I considered seeking you out myself. Your work has always inspired me, and your looks seem to fit with so many types of clothing."

Despite his kind words, his tone is flat and hard as the marble around us. "Thank you very much, Mr Agreste. It means a lot to me that people such as yourself enjoy my work."

He leans forward, steepling his hands while looking down at me. " I have some designs for you to try on, perhaps you might consider doing that sometime? I know you've already had a small modelling session with my son, and you could do more of that as well."

"That would be good." I lean back slightly, trying to stay casual under his gaze, and smile a little. "Would have to sort things out with my agent beforehand, though."


For a few long seconds, we both just sit in silence. His eyes roam over me, taking in every single part of me with cold calculation.

"I don't suppose you know a lot about Ladybug and Chat Noir, do you?"

It's a sudden question that catches me completely off guard. "Uh, not really. I saw them in action at my school, and I know they're superheroes, but I don't really know any details."

Gabriel Agreste smiles, showing teeth. "I think we're nearly done here, Y/N L/N. I have one more question to ask you."

"Go for it." Goosebumps are rising all over my arms, and I can't meet his eyes for some reason.

"What would you do to save someone you cared about?" His voice is mocking, confident, like he knows something I don't. "Would you travel across the ocean? Believe in an old myth just to have a chance at reviving them? Put your body and your life on the line in order to try to save them?"

What...? These words feel awfully familiar, and I can't place my finger on it.

"Maybe you would injure your hand, burning it so badly only magic could heal it? Or maybe you would even attack what society deems to be the heroes, just for a chance to save this person."

No. He can't know. My breath hitches in my throat, and I can't move. I'm frozen in place, staring up at this man as he looms over me, smiling coolly.

"H-how do you know?" My voice trembles, and for some reason I'm terrified of the answer.

"Sweet little Raven, how do I know? Paris belongs to me. I have eyes everywhere. I was aware of your arrival even before you landed."

Gabriel Agreste's smile widens, and just before something hard hits me on the back of the head and a searing pain lances through my skull, just before my body goes limp and my vision goes black, he speaks.

"I've been watching you like a Hawk, Raven. And I'm so glad to make your acquaintance." 

Dire Raven (Miraculous Ladybug x male villain reader)Where stories live. Discover now