Life of a Model...

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From the moment we get back to the hotel, it feels like I've never had a moment of peace. First, there was an entire army of designers in my room, each of them with a 'unique' style they wanted me to try on. Some of them didn't even present a design - they were just there to make sure my eyelashes were perfectly curled, my eyes didn't have shadow under them, and my skin looked baby-soft and smooth.

Beau scurried out of my pocket the first time I got changed, and spent the entire time hiding in amongst the curtains. He wouldn't follow me to the actual photo shoot either.

They didn't have much to do, and the better part of an hour was spent with me trying on different designs. Each time, I would go to the bathroom to change; something they found irritating. I mean, it's not my fault I don't want to strip in front of a bunch of middle-aged adults! Some of them look like fashionable piranhas, for God's sake!

Some of them are tight-fitting and show off my body, others are loose and go straight for an 'adorable charming child' look. My favourite one is probably the most comfortable one, with slacks, a shirt, and a trench coat, but apparently that was one of the worst looking.

They all clear out of the room at five, and I'm hustled into a waiting car with Eagle and Alex. The two men seem cheery enough, and both pepper me with advice that I've heard countless times before.

"Keep your head up unless the design specifically wants you to."

"Big smiles all round, teeth as well."

"A few of the designs want you to be moving, so remember your catwalk. None of them actually use a runway, though."

"Some of the better designs want you to act a part - remember how to be the bad boy?"

Oh no. The 'bad boy' persona is one that my designers seem to love. It's the polar opposite of what I like. They love to equip me with flashy jewellery, black or darker clothing, and even once chains. When I'm in those designs, I have to act completely differently. I'm told to walk with a swagger, be more flirty than normal, and show off myself as much as possible.


The car pulls up at a studio, where there's a group of different photographers that have been waiting. Each of them has designed their own small area, and apparently, each of them has paid extremely well for this photo shoot.

"Remember, this is your first time in Paris. There's been loads of photographers wanting to take shots of you, but we only allowed a few for today." Eagle doesn't move to get out of the car. "I'm going to sort out a few things, but Alex will accompany you."

I open the door and slide out, Alex guiding me through the group of photographers. We enter the first of the studios, then the ordeal starts.

The modelling session goes way past dinnertime, from six till around nine, and by the time we're finished, I want nothing more than to just go back to the hotel and sleep. There was a small break to eat a small meal, but apart from that there's been no rest.

My eyes sting a bit from the constant flashing, and my cheeks hurt from all the smiling. So I just sit in the back of the car with my eyes shut, and let the grin drop off my face. Alex speaks up. "Are you okay after that?" He sounds a bit concerned, and I reluctantly open my eyelids. "Not all the sessions will be like that, don't worry."

"I hope not." I emphasise the hope, and Alex chuckles softly.

He glances at me in the mirror. "I'm gonna take you back to the hotel to get some rest - you look like you need it."

We pull into the carpark, the place eerily quiet. There are still plenty of cars on the streetlit roads, but there's a lack of foot traffic that I'd thought would be out at all hours. Alex opens the door for me, and I step out, inhaling the cool night air.

A shiver rushes through me, and I walk over to the automatic doors, nodding at the attendant at the counter and scanning my card to open the lift. Alex follows me in, and he pats me on the shoulder. "You're not talking nearly as much as you do... I can tell how tired you are." He flashes a cheeky grin. "Though, you're still supposed to do singing practice."

I groan. "I'll sing a few songs while I'm preparing for bed. Is that good enough?" He nods, feigning solemnity, and I shake my head, getting out of the lift.

We both walk down the corridor to the room, footsteps silent on the thick carpet. As I unlock it, Alex smirks. "Oh yeah, and tomorrow you have school. So you're gonna have to wake up early for that."

I hang my head. I have to remember what I'm actually here for. School should be a higher priority than modelling.

As soon as I get into my room, I decide to take a bath. My skin is covered in different scents and perfumes the photographers had sprayed on me, even the fake stuff they used. I don't even understand why they use it - it's a fucking PHOTO.

Beau zips out from his hiding place, touching my face momentarily. "Jeez, Y/N. You look half dead!"

"Tell me about it." I leave him to head into the bathroom.

I run a bath and just lie there, letting the hot water soak into my skin. It turns pinkish from the heat, but I don't really care.

I can't get wrinkles though. That would be inexcusable for all my stylists and fans, even if it's completely normal.

The water envelops me like a blanket, and I let all the muscles in my body relax one by one, each of them cradled by the liquid. "This is the best." I mumble quietly. Actually, the shower was probably better than this. Close second though.

I leave after a quarter of an hour, and change into loose PJs. They're plain white with a few stripes on them, but they're also comfortable, which is what I want.

The bed looks even more appealing than it did before, and I get into it, dimming the lights using a knob on the wall. I scroll through my messages, replying to a few. 99 percent of them are from random strangers, and I make it a point to ignore as many as possible. Some people are really pushy...

I place my phone on the bedside table and rearrange the pillows so they'll be a bit more comfy. I'd completely forgotten about singing. Alex will never know, though. I can't be bothered right now.

I dim the lights even more, and rest my head on the soft pillow, closing my eyes even though I don't particularly want to sleep.

Dire Raven (Miraculous Ladybug x male villain reader)Where stories live. Discover now