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It feels like no time has passed before I feel something small and warm slap my face. "Y/N!" My eyes slowly open, and I see Beau hovering above me. He slaps me again, annoyed. "There's someone at the door!"

I toss back the covers to stretch a bit, before walking over to the door and peering through the peep-hole.

It's a young man dressed in a business suit that I've never seen before. I open the door a crack, showing a sliver of my face through the gap.

The man smiles openly at me. "Y/N! I'm just here to give you your timetable, mate." His voice is calm and amused, and I open the door the rest of the way.

He's very young, probably early twenties, with sharply gelled spiky blond hair that stands in contrast to his smart attire. "My name's Alex. Eagle told me you were staying here. I'm just here to make sure your trip goes smoothly, and sort out your schedule."

I nod, and he passes me a paper timetable. "There's another electronic copy, but you can carry this with you if you want." I ignore him for a second, scanning the sheet.

My schedule seems to be full to the brim - a modelling session in the late afternoon, then either singing practice or another session in the evening. In a few days I've got a concert, alongside other famous artists here like XY and Jagged Stone.

There's nothing before five, and I remember something about Eagle saying I'm attending school.

Alex grimaces. "That Eagle guy insisted you be placed into Collège Françoise Dupont, for what I have no idea. But apart from that, your schedule is mostly full - a lot of modelling and a bit of singing."

"Yeah, I would actually like to go to school." If it's my best chance at getting Ladybug and Chat Noir's Miraculous, I'll do anything.

Alex frowns, clearly surprised by my reaction.

"If... okay. Sure." He says. "They'll drop off some school uniforms and stationary later - till then, what do you want to do?"

"I want to go out." I say.

"They don't recommend it - you're still jetlagged."

"I couldn't care less." I plaster a smile onto my face while glaring at him. "I'll take full responsibility."

Alex hesitates. After all, he kind of does have to  do what I say - he technically works for me. "As long as I get to follow you."


I close the door, telling him I'll be out in a few minutes - I'm still wearing shorts and a t-shirt. It is a warm day, but I don't feel safe wearing that stuff outside. Picking out a pair of loose jeans and a collared shirt, I quickly get changed, slipping into a black leather jacket. I toss on some bright white socks and then my shoes, finally finishing by putting a phone in my jacket's pocket.

Beau slips into my jacket's pocket, snuggling deep into the material, and takes with him a few banknotes that he wraps around himself like blankets.

Opening the door reveals Alex standing there, looking bored. "I called the others. They said that it's fine for me to tail you from a distance, as long as you're sensible."

"Great!" I skip past him, and turn right down the grand hallway before he stops me.

"The elevator's left..."


We leave the hotel, and Alex drops a step behind me. "I'll be watching you," he promises. "Even when you don't see me."

I just grin at him. "Creepy, much?" I say. "I'm still a minor, you know."

He sighs. "You know what I mean."

"Yes, I do." I choose a random street and walk down it, Alex disappearing from my view in a few seconds. I have no idea where I'm going, but then again, does it really matter?

The street is lined in tall, terraced houses that look similar to apartment buildings. Some of them probably are, but they're so different to the modern monstrosities I'm used to - with pale stone and red brick instead of black and grey metal.

There's a lot of people on the street, walking in both directions, and I feel slightly exposed. Most people look like they have somewhere they're going, walking with purpose. And then there's me, my eyes swivelling to take in every little detail.

Cars whiz past, the streets relatively clear of drivers. One of them drives close to the pavement, and I get a whiff of exhaust smoke.

I head down the street, my ear twitching slightly when I hear somebody talking about me.

"Is that... that singer? I forgot his name, damnit."

"Yeah, it's Y/N L/N!"

I try to ignore them, and instead focus on the general beauty of Paris. There's an old-towny feel about it, the buildings and landscape looking straight out of one of those old romance soaps. The light browns and reds look perfect in the bright sun, and even the cars going by look like they'd been made twenty years ago.

I need to clear up my thoughts.

So, I've got to attend school, and whilst dealing with homework, also be on the lookout for akuma attacks. Then, I have to keep up with modelling sessions and concerts...

Going to be hella busy.

I get to the end of this street, where a small roundabout connects it to several others. I'm about to head down one randomly again when I spot a cute little bakery on the other side of the road. Glancing left and right, I head across the street, and look up at the sign - Tom and Sabine's Pastry Bakery. Well, Boulangerie Patisserie, but I automatically translate it.

I'm strangely nervous. Paris is so unlike any other city, and this bakery looks perfectly fitting in with the rest of the city, with flowers out front and an overhanging red shade. The name again is written on the glass door in a gold cursive.

A bell sounds when I push through the door, as well as a wave of warmth. The scent of fresh bread fills the air, alongside more delicate aromas of cinnamon and custard. I just stand there for a few seconds like an idiot, smelling the sweet air.

There is a substantial arrangement of goods inside, behind a glass counter. So many types of bread lol... How do they make different types? All I know is flour, water, yeast. There's cakes ranging from huge chocolate ones to tiny pink ones, macaroons, pastries...

I'm sort of overwhelmed by the amount of variety, and let my eyes just wander over the items.

A girl my age dashes out of a room in the back, wearing a stereotypical white chef's hat and apron. She's around my height, maybe just a bit shorter, with bluebell hair and turquoise eyes that are widened in panic.

"Sorry, sorry, I didn't hear the bell-" She yelps and trips over, banging her head on the top of the counter. A box of paper napkins falls off in my direction, and I pick it up, placing it back on the counter calmly.

She giggles nervously. "S-Sorry about that, sir. How can I help you today?"

Dire Raven (Miraculous Ladybug x male villain reader)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ