Forgiveness Flowers

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The next day at school, I walk in directly on the bell to be grabbed roughly by Adrien, one hand on each of my shoulders. "Y/N! Where'd you go, you just kind of disappeared with my father?!"

I give him a weak smile, and try to make some sort of lie up. "We talked for ages about some deals, and then some work came up and I had to leave quickly. You know how it goes."

Beau is in a small compartment in my backpack, swaddled in a tiny grey blanket and surrounded by pillows. He's thoroughly worn out from the ordeal yesterday, and honestly I want to follow his lead and pass out curled up into a ball.

So I let him sleep. It's an escape from what's happening around us right now, and he needs all the rest he can get.

I couldn't sleep last night. The thought of Eagle, the thought of Gabriel Agreste and his agenda, the thought of traitors, all of it just kept my mind racing.

Thinking of Wolf didn't help either. I need my friend back. Desperately so.

I go over what's happened so far in this disaster of a trip in my head.
Come here, fought the heroes a few times, lost, saved the hero and got healed by a hero, lost my support and all of my backup to a third party that now wants to join forces.

And I haven't got anything to show for any of it.

I slump over my desk, whispering under my breath. "Come back to me, please."


The day passes in a blur of noise and classes. Despite only knowing me for a couple of days, a few of the classmates can tell I'm in a bad mood, and they pester me with questions about what it is and how I am.

Then directly after school, there's a call from Alex. He seems to have no idea what's gone on, and he sounds annoyed.

"Y/N, you weren't at any of your events yesterday?"

I cough. "Yeah, um, I had some other things to sort out. Should be back on schedule in a few days." I know a few days is a lot, but I need space right now.

"Okay." He hangs up, and I stand outside the school gates with no idea of what to do next.

I guess I've been in a sort of daze since yesterday. Everything seems sluggish and slow, and even when I smile I don't feel anything except a numbing sensation.

I'm a bit lost right now, and I just sit on the steps outside the school, elbows resting on my knees. The sun is bright and warm, even though the air itself is cold, and I close my eyes briefly to relax in the light.

The stone steps are surprisingly warm, and I let myself zone out, ignoring the chatter of students as they come out of the school gates and the rumble of cars on the road.

It's a beautiful day, actually. The sky is a perfect light blue, wisps of white cloud floating merrily along. It isn't too windy, but a light breeze whisks through the streets, gently tousling my hair and bringing the scent of flowers.

Wait, what? Flowers?

I look to my left curiously. There's a small group of other students standing on the stairs, talking amongst themselves. I frown, confused for a second, but a gap opens up between them and I spot an old man holding a huge bouquet of flowers, larger than his head.

He meets my eyes, and shuffles over to me. Wearing a red shirt patterned with white flowers, and tan shorts, he looks thoroughly out of place amongst the sea of students. His grey goatee and moustache make him look even more ancient than he already looked.

"Young Y/N," The old man greets me with an incline of his head. "It's a pleasure to be able to meet such a renowned person."

No way this guy is a fan of my music or modelling. "Uh, thanks?" I awkwardly rub at the back of my neck. "Glad to hear that you like my work."

He smiles gently. "I meant your other work, dear Raven, in the shadows." Seemingly oblivious to the sudden panic that races through me, he tilts his head, studying me. "You do carry a huge burden, don't you?"

I nearly choke on my next words. "How do you know? W-who are you?" And why does everyone seem to know who I am at first sight?

"Call me Wang Fu. And before you panic, I'm just here to give you some... advice. You look like you need it." Fu smiles again, perfectly relaxed.

I hesitate, not sure what he meant, and he simply holds out the flowers for me to take. "Y/N, peace isn't something you wait for. Nor is it something you can take by force. It comes in time, with time. I hope you realise that before it is too late."

I take the flowers, staring at the bunch. There's a card on a string hanging around the stem of some white flowers, with text written in fancy cursive.

Lily of the valley is often used to represent forgiveness. Forgive yourself, my sweet Raven, before you set off on this dark path.

"I don't want this." I can't forgive myself till I have Wolf back. I just can't. I peer out from behind the bunch of flowers, intending to give them back, but there's no one there.

Wang Fu is gone. 

Dire Raven (Miraculous Ladybug x male villain reader)Where stories live. Discover now