Zephyr, The West Wind (Part 2)

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We circle each other warily, both of us panting. That short exchange alone had been brutal and lightning fast.

Ladybug and Zephyr both fight furiously, my eyes drifting to them momentarily. They seem evenly matched, trading blow for blow. The winds continuously pick up though, and sooner rather than later Zephyr would gain the upper hand.

Chat seems to realise this too. His eyes meet mine, and I smirk at his expression. "Chat, give me the Miraculous. I promise I'll return to America once I'm done with it."

He shakes his head, blond hair whipping in the gale. "If I give you it, I'm powerless. Then you have free rein for whatever you want to do."


We both dart for each other, Chat's movements slightly slower due to the wind. I'm unhindered, and my talons slip past his baton to slice his arm.

He yelps and hops back, twisting the metal rod to slam it into my forearm. Pain races up my forearm, and I grasp onto his baton, throwing myself over his head and pulling him off balance.

Chat spins, tail whipping round with him, and kicks me straight in the chest. I stumble back, narrowly dodging a baton blow for the head.

I slice back, talons slashing the air right in front of his chest. He's rapidly tiring though, fighting against the winds.

He attacks, I block. Then I attack, and he blocks. Our fight gets faster and faster, a dance of death as his baton whistles past my head and my claws jab at his stomach.

I'm enjoying this. The feeling of fighting someone that is as fast, as strong as me. I never got this in America - even if these criminals had guns or were smart, they were still human. Fighting a Miraculous user is unlike anything else.

The street around fades, and I focus on the rhythm of our fight. We're both scarily similar - the same attacks, the same defences. His baton clips my arm, and I manage to scratch his side.

The wind picks up all the while, howling in my ears and lashing at my skin. Seems like even Zephyr can't entirely protect me. I can't imagine how hard it must be for Chat to focus though.

I drive him back slowly, trading blow for blow as his movements slow. His blows seem to move slower, and before long I've backed him up to the rubble of a destroyed building at the end of a street.

Chat trips on something, falling over. His eyes widen in surprise, grip loosening on the baton, and in an instant I spring on him.

A swing of my hand knocks away his baton, and I tackle him round the waist. The breath leaves him in a pained huff, and before I know what I'm doing, I'm straddling him with one taloned hand resting on the soft skin of his throat. Just like I did to Ladybug.

His eyes go wide, and he stares silently at me. He can't speak - if he did my talons would cut him.

Without taking my eyes off him, I reach towards his hand, the one that has his Miraculous. I'd seen it before in government files - a small silver ring.

He clenches his hand, and moves it away from me. I glare at him. "Let me take your Miraculous."

A sudden gust of wind jerks my hand, enough for him to talk. "You can't take it from me without a lot of trouble."

I return the sharp points of my fingers to his throat, and he stays silent again. "Do you want to die?" It's a complete bluff - I couldn't kill him like this. As much as I need Wolf, I couldn't give Ladybug the pain of losing Chat.

Chat shrugs nonchalantly, meeting my eyes casually. He whispers a few words, even though it makes the tips of my talons dig into his skin a bit. "You'll have to kill me for it."

I stare at him, and he keeps his fist tightly closed so I can't take the ring off him. His eyes close, and he smiles, relaxing himself and letting his legs and other arm go limp. Like he's making it easier for me.

I can't kill him. I can't. I need Wolf. But I can't just pass this feeling onto someone else.

The howling wind subsides slightly, and I look back at Ladybug and Zephyr. Ladybug is holding some sort of red and black spotted item, and Zephyr's body glows bright white.

The hell is going on?

Ladybug squints, and a moment later a black and purple butterfly flies into view. Her yoyo is in her other hand, and she spins it round, catching the black butterfly straight from the air.

Chat smiles at the sight, and I only watch as Zephyr falls to his knees, gradually fading into a man dressed in a long-sleeved t-shirt and jeans. His veil fades from around his face.

The winds start to die down. He's gone? I glance over at Chat, then Ladybug - both of them seem to be happy at Zephyr's defeat. Fucking hell... what a weakling.

In one fluid motion, I turn my gaze back to Chat, curl my free taloned hand into a fist, and slam it hard down on his temple.

His eyes roll back in his head, and his entire body goes limp underneath me. I grab him and lift him up with some difficulty, throwing him over my shoulder. If I can't get it from him now I'll just take him somewhere he'll have to give it to me.

If I'm being honest, it's a horrible plan, but my muddled brain can't think of anything logical to do. Ladybug's shout of anger triggers my wings to start flapping, and I rise into the sky.

Not fast enough. Her yoyo wraps round my chest, pulling my arms to my sides. She yanks down hard, and I nearly fall out of the sky there and then.

Ladybug pulls again, and I make the split-second decision to tilt my body so Chat's unconscious body falls off my shoulder. He hangs in midair slightly, before starting the fall towards the ground.

Ladybug's panicked scream echoes throughout the street, and the yoyo immediately unwraps from my chest to fasten around the falling Chat. I glare down at her as she pulls him into safety, and fly higher into the sky.

What a waste of time...

Yet there's another part of me that genuinely felt bad for hurt Chat, that genuinely didn't want to fight, that genuinely nearly shed a tear at the sound of Ladybug's panic for her partner.

At least they have someone to panic about. 

Dire Raven (Miraculous Ladybug x male villain reader)Where stories live. Discover now