"Tims calm down, don't cry. How could uncle do this, what was he thinking. You can't and will never marry anyone,i will talk to him,it can't happen."

"No, don't do that, it'll only make it worse. Dad said it's Dadi Ammi's last wish, for me to get married at 20 and that to to Azan bhai but since bhai married someone else,dad decided to also get me married to someone else, to complete half of Dadi Ammi's wish. I pleaded with him to not get me married and that to someone i don't know, but he said that i'll get married now and that's final but about the groom,if i have anyone in mind then he'll allow it but if not then the suitor if his choice will visit next week, and it's only three days left till that next week. What do i do Zayn? I really don't want to marry someone i don't know." I sobbed out louder.

"I know Tims. I won't allow you marry anyone too."Zayn said angrily.

"Then what do i do huh?" I asked again.

They was silence on the other end, for over two minutes and i thought he already hung up, but no,he said the shocking words i'll never imagine he'll say in a lifetime.

"I'll marry you Tims."...........

                   A Z A N ' S P O V

"Bilal you don't understand. I need my wife back for my own sanity,i just realized that i can't live without her and now she leaves me. You need to help me Bilal."

It's been two months now and Iman has been bugging me about the divorce and once she got no response from me, she went to the lawyer and got divorce papers made, she signed them and sent them to my house for me to do same. Mum and Dad wants me to sign it too and give her,her freedom but that's not what i want.

It's never going to happen, she'll never break free from me.

"I can't do anything Azan. I warned you about this before hand but you never listened, let's just face it dude, you don't love her,so why do you want her back so desperately?" Bilal asked glaring at me.

I'll kill this guy.

Why do i even want her back?

I know i like her and can't be without her but I don't love her,Not yet

"I don't need to love her,to want her back,pig brain." I yelled, but the dumbass only glared at me intensely.

"Well you do need to, and besides Mahreen told me that Iman said she'd come back to you, over her dead body." He said shrugging.

"What is wrong with you Bilal? Are you happy that Iman is away from me, you don't want us together,do you?" I growled.

"Oh shut up, you're my friend Azan but what you did to Iman and still doing is not acceptable. You and i know that you don't love her, you're just lusting after her now that you don't have that Alishba. She's been through enough and i won't let her be with a selfish person like you." Bilal spat.

Is this my best friend. Bilal has never spoken to me like this before.

What is wrong with him,he has a wife and a son, literally a happy family. Why doesn't he want me to have that too.

He's calling me selfish, just because i want to have a family like he does.

No i'm not selfish. I want Iman back for my own sanity. I don't care if she despises me or not,all i know is that,i must have her at all cost and that's final.

No one is going to stop me,No one can......

I dialed Iman's number, waiting for her to pick up, which she finnaly did after the fifth ring..

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