Page 97: Finding Pan:

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"But it was a closed adoption. There's no way to contact them." Regina sighed before walking out of the room. "Sidney, grab a pencil," Regina said over the phone, walking out, holding Henry, who went back to crying, with Dream following. "There's an adoption agency in Boston on Dartmouth Street," Regina said when Mary Margaret walked by her.

"Say that again? There's noise on the line." Sidney said over the phone.

"Ms. Blanchard!" Regina said, stopping her.

 "Hi! Who's this?" Mary Margaret smiled as Regina handed over Henry. 

"Meet Henry," Regina said, passing Henry over to Mary Margaret. "Make yourself useful." Regina continued before walking away to talk to Sidney.

Dream moved over when she wanted to hold Henry. Mary Margaret moved, helping Dream hold her baby brother. Henry stopped crying while Dream smiled, holding him. Regina noticed Henry stopped crying, walking over to them. She hung up the phone, walking over to the chair that Dream was sitting on. "How did you do that?" Regina asked the startled Mary Margaret. "Do what?" Mary Margaret asked, looking up as Henry grabbed onto Dream's finger. 

"Make him stop crying?" Regina asked, looking at Dream. 

"Well, Dream's just holding him. He's so sweet." Mary Margaret smiled before handing Henry back to Regina when he started crying again.

"No. No, no, no!" Regina sighed when she looked at Henry. "I'm sorry. Did I do something?" Mary Margaret asked as Dream looked at her mom. "No. No, you didn't. It's me." Regina sighed when Henry continued to cry.

"Are you okay, Mommy?" Dream asked as Regina sighed, looking at her daughter.

*Present Time*


"The Pixie Woods. That's where it is?" Regina asked the Lost Boys. 

"It's just north of here. It's where the pixie dust used to grow." The little boy said to Dream as Emma looked up at Neal while Dream looked at Hook. "Do you know where that is?" Dream asked Hook. "Aye. The whole region is deserted now. No one but Pan has set foot in those woods in centuries." Hook explained, making Dream sigh. 

"Then let's make history," Neal said as Emma stood up.

"We're gonna need you here. Once we get Henry's heart, it's gonna be a race back. We need help on both ends." Emma said to Neal. "Okay," Neal said, agreeing with Emma.

"What do you need from us?" David asked Emma.

"Let's gather up the Lost Boys and get them on board the Jolly Roger. Prepare the ship to fly." Neal explained, looking at the boys, who looked happy. 

"Let's hope you have a Pegasus sail; otherwise, we're at the mercy of the trade winds." Hook sighed, making Neal look at him. "Pan's shadow's in here. It'll get us home. As long as your ship holds together." Neal said to Hook. "Well, as long as your plan holds together, she will." Hook said, looking at Neal, who scoffed.

"Henry's gonna be with me the entire time. Nothing is gonna happen to him while you two are away." Neal said, looking at Emma and Dream. 

"You mean three," Regina said, standing next to her daughter. 

"You mean four." Mary Margaret spoke up, making everyone look at her. "I may be trapped on this island for the rest of eternity, so if you think I'm not gonna be spending my last moments with my daughter, you're crazy." Mary Margaret smiled at her daughter.

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