020 | trust goes both ways

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xx. you're a bandit like me, eyes full
of stars, hustling for the good life

HARLOW AND CASSIAN HEADED towards the ship, Jyn standing between the two of them.

Harlow was explaining the situation to the girl, all about where they were going and what this meant. All bout the rebellion and the war and what they stood for.

Cassian smiled to himself. Despite the fact that he didn't trust Jyn, he trusted the woman who would one day become his wife, and that was enough.

He knew that she was going to stand up for Jyn on this mission no matter what and although he loved the way she cares for everyone, it was sometimes her fault and that showed with what happened with her sister.

They were walking towards the ship, some of the members of the rebellion eyeing the new member cautiously when they heard Dravens voice.

They turned around to see him standing there, "Captain Andor," he called out, and Cassian looked at Harlow with a smile before walking off.

She scoffed, "I hate that man," she mumbled under her breath, Jyn listening to the sentiment and taking note of that.

They stepped onto the ship to see K-2SO, who was sitting in his usual seat as Cassians co-pilot. He seemed cautious of Jyn like everyone else did in the centre.

"I'm K-2SO, I'm a reprogrammed imperial droid," he stated.

Jyn narrowed her eyes at the droid, "I remember you," she stated, thinking back to when she was taken from Wobani and brought here.

"I see the council is sending you with us to Jedha," he said, and you could hear the bitterness in his voice.

"Play nice K2," Harlow said, trying to make sure that the droid who couldn't stop himself from spilling secrets wasn't hating on their new member.

"That is a bad idea, I think so, and so does Cassian. Harlow doesn't think so, and they bicker about it," He admitted.

"K2," she reprimanded before turning to Jyn, "I'm sorry, he tends to say whatever comes into his robotic mind, it's a byproduct of the reprogramming,"

Jyn gave her a smile that said it was okay before looking at the droid, fiddling with the blaster in her hands.

"Why does she get a blaster, and I don't?" K2 asked like a spoilt child who was just refused a toy.

"Brcause I'm the leader here," she said, putting her foot down on the matter.

At that moment, Cassian stepped up onto the ship after his talk with Dravrn, his eyebrows raised as he listened to the conversation.

"I thought I was the leader," he said in an almost flirty tone, one that would go unnoticed to anyone who didn't know about their relationship.

"You've never been the leader, Cass," she said, placing a hand on his shoulder before walking to her bag to grab her blaster.

Jyn watched as he walked over, leaning over her back and leaning towards her ear. If she didn't know any better, she would say they were having some kind of secret affair.

"You can't let her have a blaster," he said, his voice quiet in her ear.

She pulled away, and he instantly recognised the stoic look on her face - he wasn't going to be able to change her mind about this, and he knew it.

"Yes, I can. She's going into this fight, and she needs to defend herself," she said.

The two stood there for a second, eyes narrowed and focused in on each other, and neither were ready to break their silent argument.

"Trust goes both ways," Jyn said, jumping in on the conversation.

Cassian pursed his lips with a sigh before walking to the front of the ship, sitting down in his seat.

Jyn looked at Harlow, who had a smile on her face knowing that she had won the argument and K2 had noticed it too.

"You're letting her keep it?" He questioned angrily,"You can't just let Harlow push you around. Do you know the probability of her using it against you?"

Cassian grabbed onto the controls, looking at the droid, "Shut up," He said.

The droid went silent, looking through the window. In the back, Harlow and Jyn smiled slightly at one another, strapping themselves into the seats ready for rhe journey.


THEY LANDED ON JEDHA, IN THE middle of the desert which was a long walk away from the city.

Jyn looked around, a wonderous look on her face as she took in the city that was resting on the horizon.

Harlow looked up, shaking her head when she saw the ship hovering over the city, almost like it was monitoring it at all times.

"What's with the destroyer?" Jyn asked, looking through the binoculars at the city.

"Saw has been attacking cargo shipments for months now," Harlow explained.

She knew that he had ben causing trouble for the planet and for the empire, but she didn't realise the empire had done this much to try and stop it.

"What are they bringing in?" Jyn questioned.

She was curious and it only made sense after years of not having seen her parents or Saw who helped raise her.

"It's what they're taking out," Cassian explained, "Kyber crystal, it's the fuel for the weapon,"

She knew that it was one of the most valuable resources in the planet but nobody knew what they wanted it for until now.

They had been extracting the crystals for years but nobody had realised that it was for one of the most deadly weapons that the galaxy had ever seen.

"The weapon your father is building," Cassian continued and she could hear the bitterness in his voice.

He wouldn't admit it to her but the idea of this planet killing machine scared him. She heard it in his voice, she felt it in the way he held her at night.

Jyn looked behind her at K2, "Maybe we should leave target practice behind," she said.

"She's right, sorry K2, we need to blend in," Harlow said with a nod, "But you can stay with the ship,"

She pulled her backpack over her shoulder and the three of them headed out towards Jedha, ready for the mission.

1129 words

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