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x. I don't want the world to see me cause I don't think that they'd understand

HOME FELT EMPTY WITHOUT NEMIK. Harlow hated her lifestyle, the riches, the high rise flats but she knew that she could be grateful for it.

The reason why she was in the rebellion was to help people like her family who were slaughtered and to encourage people who were living like her to join a cause bigger than themselves.

It had been nearly two months since she had last seen Cassian and she was worried that he hadn't sent a message yet, wondering what trouble he had gotten himself into now

Instead she stood in the mirror in a long teal dress, getting ready for Mon Mothmas senator party.

She had been invited due to her work on abolishing slave trade in the outer regions and was seen as the next best political - Mon was mentoring her when she was around.

Harlow always had a back up plan, if the rebellion slowed she would work here but she wanted to be free and to save the galaxy through hard work.

The drive to Mons was slow and it gave her too much time to think about what she was doing and the people she had left in her life.

She had to get information about where Cassian was, she was worried sick about him and at this point he was the only person he had left.

Cinta and Vel had gotten home safe about two weeks ago but had left nearly as quickly as they had gotten there on some secret Misson that Luthens assistant had set but they wouldn't tell her.

She didn't have her best friend anymore and coruscant felt like a ghost town and she was walking through tainted memories.

Her adopted father was distant with all of his work ever since the funds were starting to dry off and he wasn't telling her about his secret trips off world.

And to top it all off she had no work in the rebellion so she felt redundant, stuck to working the politicians to try and get some aid for lesser off people in the galaxy.

That was the only reason why she was standing in the elevator to Mons suite, she needed to get some help on where she could go to do something to help people.

Harlow walked over to Mon Mothma as soon as she was done being stuck to the stuffy politicians at the party who had lured her in with talks of her school paper.

When Nemik used to be here, he could charm them for days, telling then all about their idea and entrancing them. Harlow just felt like she didn't speak as eloquently and that she seemed almost difficult in comparison.

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