015 | maarva's funeral

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xv. honestly it's a shit show,
my god but it's this show

CASSIAN AND HARLOW STOOD IN the sewers tunnels underneath the streets, Pegla checking the radio in the distance at the other end.

They both froze when they heard footsteps but relaxed when they saw that it was just Brasso walking down towards them - Harlow had messaged him to tell him she was alright.

The first thing he did was pull Cassian into a hug, the two embracing for a while. They were almost like brothers, caring for one another and their families even when nobody else would.

When they pulled away, he looked at Harow, pulling her in for a shorter hug before holding onto her shoulders, "I was worried about you,"

"You don't have to be, I'm a big girl, I can handle myself Brasso," she said with a chuckle before looking over at Cassian, "And anyway, I was with good company,"

"You shouldn't be here now Cass," Brasso said, his playful demeanour turning serious.

Cassian shook his head, thinking about his mother,  "The last time I saw her we argued, I never should have left that morning," he said.

He kept trying to put himself down, just like he had done last night but Brasso shut him up, "Stop," he ordered with a shake of his head"I'm sure she's already told you, but it's not your fault,"

Brasso didn't want him to think that it was his fault, not even a little bit because it wasn't.

"Maarva told me you'd say all this," Brasso said, thinking back to the other morning when he had sat with her as she died.

Harlow knew this wasnt a conversation she needed to be included in so looked back, "I'm going to check on the exit route, I'll be back in a minute," she said with a smile before walking off.

"She told me to tell you that none of this is your fault," he said, reciting what she had told him, "He's just the first spark if the fire. Tell him, he knows everything he needs to know and feels everything he needs to feel,"

Cassians face was blank but he could see the upset in his eyes at missing his mother. Now he had nobody left in his life to love him.

"Tell him I love him more than anything he could do wrong," he said, before smirking "And that he should find Harlow and not let go,"

Cassian chuckled to himself, it was such a Maarva thing to do. That in her last moments she would make a comment about his love life.

Harlow rushed back, feet splashing in the puddles which echoed through the room, "Pegla heard radio chatter, we have to get ready. Streets clear," she said.

She looked at Cassian who seemed to be hesitating as he held his bag in his hands, guns already in their holsters.

"You've got to save Bix," she said, almost reminding him of his mission.

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