013 | daughter of ferrix

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xiii. there is so much space between
us, maybe we're already defeated

HARLOW WALKED OUT OF MAARVAS house with the body as the daughters of ferrix carried it back to their sanctuary.

Earlier in the morning, she had been heading over to Maarvas house with her breakfast when she saw the door was wide open.

Harlow has stormed in only to see Brasso comforting Bee over Maarbvas death. She had dropped the tray, bagged food clattering to the floor as she realised she was dead.

She had only been here for a week and she felt like death had been following her around ever since Aldhani, like everyone around her suffered.

Not just that, but she felt like she hadn't looked after Maarva enough. After they'd left, Cassian had asked her to look after his mother if he ever couldn't and she had failed at that.

Just another person she had failed to protect, her own parents, Nemik and now Maarva. Everything seemed to be poisoned by her presence.

She was completely lost in her own mind about it all, about how Cassian must be feeling even though he didn't know that his mother was dead.

Her worry for him was never ending and she sat there most days looking around, clicking the comms link and hoping that she will get an answer but at this point she had lost all hope.

As she walked along the street, she noticed a familiar face standing in one of the windows and stopped, narrowing her eyes at the coffee shop.

A woman was serving drinks to one of the customers and even though she had her hair loose instead of in a plait, she recognised her instantly.

It was her younger sister standing there, a fake smile on her face. Cinta wad in Ferrix, a town that she was sure she didn't even know existed.

Harlow took a sharp intake of breath, wondering if she recognised her. Harlow had cut her hair shoulder length and was hoping it had made her look less recognisable - even though she doubted anybody here would recognise her.

She didn't know why she was here but Harlow knew that it must be for a bad reason.

Cinta was radical. She would do anything for the rebellion without any hesitation, she would even kill her friends if she had to.

That's why she knew that she was here for Cassian. She must have followed the tracking signal to Harlows comms and knew he might be here.

She swore under her breath as she sped away, wondering how she could have been so stupid as to let her sister, one of the best assassins around, figure out where Cassian might go.

Then she realised that Luthen probably told her all about him and that's why she came to Ferrix.

She rushed back to Brassos apartment where she was sleeping on his couch - even though he had offered her the bed - and thought over the events.

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