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iv. it must be exhausting always
rooting for the anti hero

AS THEY WALKED TOWARDS CAMP, Harlow could tell that he was nervous as any human would be walking into a situation like

"Don't worry Cassian, I've got this under control," she said, shaking her head, not looking at him, "I mean Clem,"

When they got close, everyone started to crowd around as they wondered who was walking into camp with Harlow.

"Gather up, we need to talk," Vel said and he recognised her as the girl from earlier.

He looked around at the group and listened to Vel as she introduced him, "This is Clem, I mentioned him earlier and luckily Harlow just arrived with him,"

Everybody that surrounded him seemed nervous and suspicious of Cassian and they had every right to be.

"He'll give us critical redundancy in all areas," Vel said before turning to the group, "That's Skeen, this is Taramyn, Nemik and Cinta,"

"Can I speak with you," Taramyn said, his voice clearly angry and she could tell he was mad at both Vel and Harlow.

"Lets get Clem settled in, Cinta, Harlow, can you two go help him out," she said and the two nodded, Cinta looking at her older sister suspiciously.

"Welcome Clem, we appreciate all the help we can get," Nemik said, a smile on his face.

He knew that of Harlow was trusting this guy then he could as well. They had been best friend since they met at school and he had shared his political manifesto with her.

Cinta led Cassian to the hut closest to them and Harlow told him to sit down, watching as her sister grabbed some stuff from a medpack.

"An I going to get you to take your shirt off now?" She joked, grabbing two canteens of water, one for each of them, from the side. 

"You're funny," he said, trying to keep a neutral face but a smile peeking out from it.

He looked down at her as she knelt down on the floor, "Okay, let me just-" Hatlow said, rolling up his sleeve and taking the bandage off, wincing when she saw the burn again.

"It doesn't hurt that much, really," he promised, looking into her eyes, "And you did a good job bandaging it the first time,"

She shook her head, pulling the bandage completely off and grabbing a new strip that they had, the old wound had bled through the last bandage and she didn't believe that it didn't hurt that much.

"Cin, can you grab me a bit booster when you're done over there?" She asked.

"That's a nasty burn, remember we need to save our pain meds 'Low," Cinta said before walking to the other side of the hut to grab the pain medication.

He looked over at her and saw that they looked similar, same dark hair, same subtle smile, same mischievous gleam in their eyes.

"That's your sister," He stated and she nodded, looking over at Cinta.

Cinta grabbed the syringe, filling it up slightly with some bacta serum before handing it to her sister.

"This is better than the shit last time," she said, "It's going to heal it faster, and it's going to hurt,"

She placed the needle onto his forearm and he looked away, flinching slightly when she pressed the button as it injected him with the small amount of bacta serum.

Cassian shook it off, looking at Harlow and then at her sister. She followed his eyeline and watched as her sister cleaned everything up.

"Yeah, she's barely twenty years old and look at her, running around and getting this all ready," she said, a smile on her face.

She cared about her sister more than anything and had always sworn to protect her so going on this mission meant she couldn't guarantee her safety. 

"And Nemik?" Casdian questioned, having seen the way the two looked at each other the second they got into camp.

"My best friend," She said, smiling, "Skeen and I get along okay and Taramyn will warm up to you eventually,"

She walked over to her sister, looking back to check on Cassian. When she looked back at Cinta, the girl was smiling.

"You're very friendly with the new guy," she said teasingly, watching as her sisters face heated up.

"I got him out of a situation, but that doesn't matter," she said, shaking her head.

Harlow shook her head, looking back at Cassian before turning to her sister and watching the smile grow on her face.

"Really, cause to me it seemed like you couldn't wait for him to take his shirt off," Cinta said jokingly, a smirk on her face.

She was teasing her because she had never seen her sister act like that around a guy before and there was a high chance they were going to die soon so she wanted to figure it out.

Harlow pushed her arm, shaking her head, "Go to hell," She said before she heard someone yelling.

"You go, I'll look after your guy," Cinta said with a smirk.

Harlow walked off, flipping her sister off as she tried to stop the fighting. When she got out of the hut she saw Nemik who reassured her that everything was okay, it was just about Clem.

"There's nothing wrong with Clem, we can trust him," Harlow said, sitting down next to her friend.

They had been best friends since they were teenagers having gone to the same school in coruscant and the same university, that was where they had decided to change the world and not be like the stuffy politicians that surrounded them.

"I know, he seems to have good intentions," Nemik said, narrowing his eyes at her, "How do you really know him?"

"I saved his arse and that's all that matters," she said, taking a bite from the bread that Nemik handed her.

He knew that she was lying and that there was something else going on but let it go, knowing that she'd explain it in  her own time

"He's nice," he stated, looking over at her, he wanted to see his friends reaction.

"Yeah, bit of an arrogant prick though," she said, laughing at her own comment.

"Yeah, looks like it, but he seems like he is dedicated to this cause," Nemik said.

She shrugged her shoulders, "I'm not sure about that Karis, but I know he's going to be able to help this mission," she suggests.

He was about to respond to her comment and scold her for saying his first name when they heard footsteps in the forest.

They both froze and turned to the forest when they heard a yell. That's when they saw Gorn walking towards them.

"Clem, come on out," Vel called and he stepped out of the hut.

He looked over at Harlow for reassurance and she nodded. Cassian walked closer to the man, eyeing him when he noticed the imperial uniform

"This is Lieutenant Gorn, he's our contact at the garrison," Vel explained.

Gorn was clearly angry at the plan and looked over at Vel, "We need to talk about this," he said, eyes narrowed at the man.

"Here's here and that's all that matters," Vel said, the message being loud and clear to the whole group.

Harlow nodded her head. She trusted Luthen with her life and if he believed that Cassian was vital to this mission, then he was 

1341 words

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