Ozai frown and think for a moment, "does that mean I could have lost my arm completely?"

Ty Lee nodded, and Ozai took his left arm with his right. The old lady gave him a small smile and said, "I am sorry; I should have told you."

"No, it is my fault. You told me only to feel and pinpoint the block", said Ozai. He breathed out and looked at the ceiling.

"Your arm will go back to normal after a while when your energy starts to flow normally. Meanwhile, take a rest. We should be arriving in a couple of days", said Ty Lee with a smile while leaving. Ozai nodded and took a nap after that.

Two days passed, and to Ty Lee's surprise, Ozai recovered complete control of his left arm, and the pain was no more. It was the morning, and Ozai was still yawning, but he was fully awake when Ty Lee slammed the door open.

"What? What happened?" asked Ozai, but Ty Lee smiled and asked him to follow her.

Ozai walked behind her, and when she opened the door can walk to the ship's deck, Ozai saw it. A majestic statue, somehow rusty, of Azulon.

"Welcome to the Fire Nation!" said Ty Lee. Ozai's eyes lighted up, and he ran to the edge to see the view.

In the middle was a giant statue of Fire Lord Azulon, Ozai's great grandfather, and on each side were two Dragons in copper colour.

"Is that the Great Gates of Azulon?" asked the young boy enthusiastically.

"It is. Although, it has not been used as a gate since the war ended. The whole place has become a commercial port", said the old woman.

Ozai was still ecstatic about it. His smile never left. He was like that the entire time.

Ozai walked out of the ship with Ty Lee. The place was busy. Many merchants are screaming, trying to get the passersby's attention. People were buying different things from different merchants. People wearing red colours, although their clothing looked worn, Ozai ignored it.

There was a big avenue in the centre that seemed to take you directly to the volcano that was at the back.

Ty Lee woke Ozai from amazement and guided him to the Ty's residence.

While walking, Ozai started to realize small details. People seem not to trust anyone. They walk defensibly, like waiting to be attacked at any moment. The houses looked like they could fall at any moment. There were people on the side of the street begging for money, and there was a side with people using a small banner in their hands that said, "for hire".

It was heartbreaking for Ozai. He remembered the stories of his uncle TomTom; he always told him that the Fire Nation was a prosperous place, beautiful, and with a great sense of honour. Unfortunately, the excellent fire nation his mother told him about is no longer there.

After walking for a while, Ty Lee talked with a man and asked Ozai to ride a rickshaw. Ozai obeyed, Ty Lee sat next to him, and the man started pulling the rickshaw. The trip was fast, and they arrived at a big house.

When Ozai and Ty Lee entered, a bunch of kids ran and hugged her, and some other people around Ozai's parents' age were talking at the table. And there were a group of old ladies that looked like Ty Lee.

"Hi, everyone!" said Ty Lee.

"Auntie!" and "Ty Lee granny!"; it's what some of the people screamed. The place was full of energy.


A young man was followed by other young men younger than him while walking through the streets. He stopped walking and turned to see the men following him. "I will walk on my own for a while", said the man. He looked at the whole street with some disgust.

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