Ch 22: What's To Come

Start from the beginning

"One, I haven't brushed my teeth. Two, that was way too sweet." She moved me to the side so she could get up.

"Am I not allowed to kiss you tenderly too?" I laugh as she looks around for her boxers. Finding them kicked away from the bed she slips them on with a tank top.

"No. You're supposed to be mean and I'm supposed to be the nice one. Now come shower with me." She scoops me up before I could protest. Squealing and giggling in her arms she carries me to the bathroom.

"You're such a dork." 


Feeding the dogs their high nutrition meal I pour myself some coffee. Toned arms wrap around me from behind as lips press against my neck.

"Didn't you have your fill already?" I joked, threading a hand into her hair.

"I could never get enough of you." She presses a kiss to my head and spins me around.

"Just like a drug." I kiss her briefly. She smiles and nods. Letting me go, she takes bags out from the drawer.

"Care to join us on the walk?" She motions to the happy boys waiting. They finished their food pretty fast.

"I'd love nothing more." Putting my coffee in a mug I follow after her.

We take the elevator down with the boys on their leashes. She holds my hand and the leashes in the other as we exit. The city was busy as usual but it faded into the background of our walk.

We mostly talk about plans for the anniversary getaway, and couple details on our social lives. We end up taking them to a dog park so they can get their energy out. I watched as she played with them and a few other dogs, running around and chasing them happily. 

Hades manages to tackle her, which makes me laugh. She heard me though, standing up she chased after me. I quickly set my drink down and ran away, the two boys chasing me as well. She grabs hold of me and twirls me around, laughing as I scream surrender.

We spent a good hour there. When we walked back the boys were exhausted, they nearly collapsed in the elevator up. They gave up when we got inside, deciding to crash on the floor almost immediately.

Az showers again to get the sweat and dog smell out of her. I grabbed a book from her office and chose to read with some TV going in the background. 

It was a good 20 minutes before Az came out and laid herself on me, resting her head on a pillow in my lap. She watched the TV as I read. My hand absent-mindedly ran through her hair.

"I have work tonight." She groaned in satisfaction. My fingers worked the back of her neck.

"Oh? Is it out of town or not?" She shook her head, grunting when I stopped my movements.

"No, it's a couple hits I gotta handle. Nothing too bad, some of the other gangs are getting too comfortable on our territory." I scratched the nape of her neck gently. She hummed in pleasure.

"Okay, just don't be reckless." I flick her ear, earning a hiss from the woman.

"Me? Never." She patted my thigh and relaxed further into me. It didn't take long for her to fall asleep.

Closing my book I shifted a bit to get more comfortable with her on me. I closed my eyes and fell asleep with her.

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