Page 80: Losing Time:

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"Is that so?" He asked, sounding annoyed.

"Well, how could she? You're nothing but a pirate." David continued before walking out of the cave, leaving Hook to scoff to himself.

*Many, Many Years Ago*

*The Enchanted Forest*

"Look alive, men!" 

The Navy men aboard the Jolly Roger were getting the ship ready for a quest from the king's orders. "All hands on deck!" Lieutenant Killian Jones called out, walking aboard the ship. His men lined up in order while he walked around them to give them their orders before their captain came onto the ship. He walked over, tugging on one of the men's shirts when it was not buttoned all the way. "Apologies, Lieutenant." The man apologized, fixing his uniform.

"That's Lieutenant Jones, sailor." Killian corrected him, continuing to walk around and making sure his men were in tip-top shape. "Captain is in transit with new orders from the King himself. Before his arrival, this ship will be swabbed from stem to stern, and..." He stopped when he noticed the same sailor had a bottle in his pocket. "Rum, sailor? Does anyone know what happens to sailors who drink rum? They get drunk. And drunkenness leads to bad form. And if there's one thing that won't be tolerated aboard this ship, it's bad form." Killian continued to tell his crew before tossing the rum bottle into the water.

"My ship has never been in finer hands."

The men turned to their captain, Captain Liam Jones, who was Killian's older brother. "Aye, Captain." Killian created his brother while the other men tipped their hats in respect to their captain. "We stand ready to receive the King's orders." Killian continued to say to his older brother.

"To your stations!" Liam said to his crew, who rushed to their stations while Liam shook his brother's hand. "When the King summoned me, I knew there was only one man I could trust to navigate this difficult journey. My little brother." Liam smiled, stopping while they were making their way to the wheel of the ship.

"Perhaps you mean younger brother." Killian corrected him, but Liam just walked up to where the wheel was, ready to show his brother something. Liam opened up his satchel, revealing a sextant. "A gift. To commemorate our latest voyage together." Liam said, handing the sextant to his brother.

"A sextant... You always were the sentimental type." Killian said, looking at Liam, who was closing his satchel.

"Look closer, brother," Liam said, looking back at his brother.

"I've never seen markings like this," Killian said when he looked at the star map on the sextant. "To what strange land are we headed?" Killian asked his brother.

"I'm under orders not to say until we arrive..." Liam said before walking over to lead the ship. "But brother, this is the mission of our dreams. A mission that will bring peace to the kingdom. And glory to the Jones brothers." Liam smiled, placing a hand on Killian's shoulder.

"A hero's journey? That is indeed good form, brother." Killian smiled at his brother before turning to instruct his crew. "Master Bosun." He called out.

"Aye, sir!"

"All hands, prepare to set sail. Make speed!" He smiled as they were about to take off.

*Present Day*


Once the group got back to their camp, Mary Margaret, Emma, Regina, and Dream set up a trap. Hook took a drink of his rum while he watched Dream helping Emma with the vines. Dream was unaware of him staring at her while Emma watched Hook watch her, scoffing to herself. "A trap? That's your plan?" Regina asked Mary Margaret, getting tired of untangling the vines. "The Lost Boys wanna come after us; we need to go after them." Mary Margaret said to her, while Emma got tired of untangling the vines, too.

"You really think a Lost Boy is gonna betray Pan?" Hook asked, making Dream look up at him. 

"Thanks for the advice." Mary Margaret scoffed at Hook before looking up at her husband.
"David, we need more vine." She said to her husband. 

"On it," David said, walking over to Hook, who was staring at Dream. "You're coming with me, pirate," David said, sounding protective over Dream, seeing as she didn't have the best father-figure role.

"Why is that?" Hook asked, looking away from Dream.

"Because we need more rope." Dream spoke up, looking at him. Hook stood up, bowing to her, before following David. "If the lady insists." He smirked at her, making her chuckle as she shook her head. David, Emma, and Regina scoffed as Dream looked back at the vines, smiling to herself. Mary Margaret noticed her daughter's upset expression before looking at Dream, who moved over to help her mother.

~season 3, episode 5: "Good Form"~

~1364 words~

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