Chapter 10

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Before this starts this will be in English, but to translate this and to do all of that is to much and confusing. Only when I specify that they say it in English, that they say it in English. Other wise they are speaking in Spanish. 

Now you can read.


I saw Kevin. Me and him locked eyes and I swear I could see his eyes spark up, I quickly looked away and to Diego. I smiled softly at Diego as he did as well.

"Oh my goodness, I forgot to mention today we get a new student. This is y/n." I felt my face burn up as my legs slightly shook. I never liked eyes on me. But I did get a lot of eyes on me at my old school. I guess different environment, different me.

I waved to random people I saw. They all looked at me with a happy expression. I avoided eye contact with Kevin.

"Y/n tell us 3 things interesting about you." The teacher said. I felt on the spot, so I said 3 easy things.

"Oh I like to game." I took in a small breath.

" I play a lot of instruments."

"And... I came from Cali."  I said. I looked around, all the girls looked slightly annoyed. While the boys On the other hand where checking me out. They probably like my shoes.

I tried not to pay much attention to this, but I felt special. I'm not sure why, this is very strange to me.

The teacher sat me right next to Diego, since he offered. I smirked slightly as I went to Diego's table and sat down. It was kinda awkward, and my stomach couldn't stop the feeling in me. I had weird knot In my stomach.

My eyes remained on the teacher, as for a lot of people their eyes remained on me. I acted like I didn't know people were checking me out and were eyeing me. It was pretty uncomfortable.

Once the teacher was done giving the lesson he said we could work with a partner on the homework. I turned to Diego," can I have a pencil and a paper?" I asked him.

He gave me a nod as he bent down from the chair to look at his pencil case, we put ours on the ground because we don't have enough room.

As he Bent down I could see Kevin. A bunch of girls were next to him. There were 4 girls, 2 brunettes and 1 blond, the other girl just had pink hair.

They were talking to him and laughing while looking at each other. The blonde turned her head a little to the side and I could see who it was, page.

I felt that burning sensation in my stomach, actually my whole body. Was this anger? Was this jealousy? Why would I be jealous? Am I jealous because of the girl? Or because Kevin is having a better love life than me?

Why was I even thinking this way? Why am I feeling this way?

One brunette girl, she was shorter. She started to put her hands on his sleeves. Swaying her hands up and up on his forearm, what's up with them? I saw the other girls start touching his hair, then his chest. Okay mr still your girl.

I grabbed the table so hard, I scratched it. I let go to see imprints of my nails digging into the wood. What is up with me? And why hasn't Diego left his head up yet?

I looked under the table to see Diego's eyes closed. He's head was hanging low, while his body was high. This couldn't comfortable at all. 

He's been like this for about 2 minutes now. I went fully
Under the table, I shook his head so he could wake up. He jumped up and hit his head on the table.

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