-Chapter 13: The Coronation-

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I wake up missing the feeling of someone beside me. Evie slept over again last night, but is now missing from the bed. I groan, rubbing my eyes and hearing commotion outside my room as I get up. I open the door to see purple fabric around the room, Mal standing in the middle while Evie fits her dress for last minute touches. I lean on the doorway, knowing the girl is too busy to notice me. Mal looks at me and smirks as I wave. "Well, what a mess." I say as Evie's head snaps to me. "Oh good, you're awake." She says before finishing off some part on Mal's dress and stepping back. "Isn't she gorgeous?" Evie asks as Mal twirls slightly. I chuckle, putting my chin on Evie's shoulder. "Yeah she is." I say as Mal looks in the mirror. "Not as gorgeous as you, though." I whisper into Evie's ear, earning a light blush.

"Since you have to go earlier to meet with Ben, I did you first." Evie said to Mal as she nods. "Which is good cause I have to go!" Mal says, gathering her things and rushing out the door. "See you later!" Mal shouts as she closes the door. Once she's gone, Evie turns to me and smiles. "Your turn." She says with a mischievous glint in her eye. "Let me freshen up first." I say before walking to the bathroom. Once I'm done, I walk back out to see a blue and purple dress laying on the couch and Evie fiddling with something in her hands. "What's that?" I ask. Evie smirks as she shows it to me. It's a crown. "Evie, crowns are your thing. I'm not a princess." I say as she laughs. "Maybe not a princess, but a queen." She says, winking before turning to the dress. "Alright. Do you want to put this on yourself? Or...." She says, smirking as I flush. "Uh, I don't mind." I say.

At that, Evie nods and picks up the dress. "In that case. I prefer to see it put on. Ya know, in case adjustments are needed?" She says. "Mhm. Sure." I say, laughing before taking off my clothes which happen to be jeans and a shirt. I feel the princesses heated gaze on my skin as I do, looking at her when I'm done to see her eyes scanning and roaming my body, her lower lip caught between her teeth. "It's not nice to stare, E." I say, jokingly as she blushes. "Well, it's a little hard when there's something so captivating in front of me." She says, stepping closer. "God, my girlfriend is beautiful." She whispers as she stops in front of me. "I'm so glad I can do this without needing to think about it." She says before leaning in and kissing me.

The soft pressure of her lips on mine is enough to make me swoon, ignoring the fact I'm literally in barely anything until I feel her hand on my lower back, pulling me closer. "Mmm. We don't have time, E." I say, chuckling lightly when her kisses move to my neck. I tangle my hands in her hair, which is something she would usually get angry about because she loves her hair. But instead, she nips at my neck, making sure to leave no marks except one right under my ear. "Now you're mine." She says, smirking as she pulls away. I roll my eyes before pulling her in for another kiss, more heated than the last as I feel her tongue skim along my lower lip, asking for entrance which I grant. We make out for a bit longer before Evie pulls away, smirking. "This isn't a dream, right?" She asks as she caresses my face. I nod, smiling. "Nope. But we also have things to do." I say, making her nod. "Right." She says, picking up my dress again which had fallen to the floor.

She helps me put it on, attaching any little bits and bobs that are suppose to be put on before helping me do my hair and makeup. The whole time, her hand would skim my skin, making me feel heated all the way until we're done. "Alright." She says, making me turn to face her. She smiles and fans herself. "I did a good job...damn." She says, raising an eyebrow before turning. "Give me a bit." She says before disappearing into her room.

After 30 min, she walks back out in her outfit. A gorgeous blue dress with a blue cape and a crown, somewhat matching mine. "Shall we?" I ask. She takes my arm. "We shall." She says before we exit to find the boys and make our way to the place.


We were seated quickly so we couldn't see Mal and Ben arrive. But we did see it when Mal enters the hall, taking her place in the front as she looks up at us. I give her a small nod, reassuring her as the doors open to reveal Ben in his princely outfit and a small smile. He slowly makes his way to the front, with people bowing as he passes by. I smile sadly as we bow, realising that after today, all this, Auradon, will be no more and that chaos will reign. I look around at all the now familiar faces. Some welcome, some...not as much.

Ben makes it to the front, kneeling before Fairy Godmother and his parents as the wand is revealed and taken out from under Beast's glass case. Belle hands it to Fairy Godmother and I watch with bated breath as the glimmering wand is held. She taps it on either shoulder of Ben's frame as he bows, listening to her words. "Do you solemnly swear to govern the peoples of Auradon with justice and mercy as long as you shall reign?" Fairy Godmother asks. "I do solemnly swear." Ben says, his voice loud and clear in the silent hall. Fairy Godmother smiles, holding her wand gingerly. "Then it is my honour and my joy to bless our new king." She says before suddenly, her wand is snatched from her hand and a powerful bolt is shot out of the hall into the sky.

"Child, what are you doing?!" Fairy Godmother says. It is only then, that I look properly to see not Mal with the wand, but Jane. "If you won;t make me beautiful, I'll do it myself!" jane shouts, waving wildly with the wand. There is a few frightened screams as we hear Jane's words. "Bibbidi-bobbidi-boo!" She shouts, waving wildly. "Take cover!" Beast shouts before Mal steps forward, wrestling the wand out of Jane's grip. We run down from the balcony, arriving beside Mal as she holds the wand, facing everyone. "Mal, give me the wand." Ben says, holding out his hand. "Stand back." Mal says, pointing the wand at him. I can tell she's conflicted...I am too. We don't want this, but we have no choice.

"It's okay." Ben says, stepping forward only to step back again when Mal points it. "Ben, I said stand back!" She shouts as Audrey's annoying voice fills the air. "I told you so!" She shouts. Mal whirls on her, making her scream and step back. "Let's go!" Carlos says. "Revenge time." Jay adds as we awkwardly look at the Auradonians surrounding us. "You really want to do this?" Ben asks us. "We have no choice, Ben!" Mal shouts. I put a hand on her shoulder, looking at the king. "Our parents..." I start but Ben cuts in. "Your parents made thair choice. Now you make yours." He says, watching us with hopeful eyes.

I look at the others, seeing their pained eyes before looking at Mal who looked at me. That's when I finally see the little sister I had when we were little. The one who would look up at me for advice rather than trying to win mom's favour. I put a hand on her hand, lowering the wand and taking it from her. "Great! Now Y/N is gonna spell us!" Chad shouts as I roll my eyes. "Shut up, Chad." I say, making everyone gasp. I look at the others before smiling. "I think...we want to be good." I say, earning nods. "You guys are good." Ben says smiling. "How do you know that?" Mal asks. "Because...because I'm listening to my heart." He says, holding his hand to his heart.

Mal pauses, looking at me and at the wand before turning to all of us. "I want to listen to my heart too." She says as I nod. "As do I." I say, hugging my little sister. "I don't know about you guys, but my heart is telling me that we are nothing like our parents." I say before looking at Jay. "Does stealing make you happy? No! Journey and victory pizza with the team does." I say to the boy, who smiles and nods lightly. I look at Carlos with a soft smile as he hugs the dog he has grown to love. "Oh, Carlos. Who would have thought that scratching Dude's belly would make you happy." I say as Carlos laughs, hugging the dog tighter in his arms,

I look at my sister in my arms as I smile. "Even through your brooding, lonely self, you found happiness. And that happiness is in being with Ben. Cause I can see that Ben makes you really happy." I say as Mal nods, turning and looking at the boy as I look at Evie.

"And Evie. In the end, you didn't need to hide your smart self to get a guy. You are so much more, and now, I'm so glad you finally see it." I say, taking her hand. "I don't want to take over the world with evil. It doesn't make me happy." I say, smiling. "Us being friends makes me happy. Not destroying things." I say before Mal puts her hand in the middle. "I choose good, you guys." She says. I smile, putting my hand in the middle too. "I choose good." I say. Jay places his hand in the middle. "I choose good too." He says before he is followed by Evie who does the same. "I choose good too."

We look at Carlos, who looks around. "So, just to be clear, we don't have to be worried about how really mad our parents will be? Because they're gonna be really, really mad." He says. Ben steps forward, smiling. "Your parents can't reach you here." He says. "Okay, then. Good." Carlos says, joining his hand. Mal turns, looking at Ben. "Come on." She says, making him join our hands as we all smile at each other. It's over, we're good and our parents can't do anything about it.

Or so we thought.

A loud crash is heard as familiar green smoke fills the room. "No..." I say as Mal gasps. "It can't be..." She says. We watch as the smoke morphs into a familiar horned figure. Our mother.

"I'm back!"

Word Count: 1837

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