-Chapter 4: The Magic Wand-

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A while later, I'm sitting on my bed, staring at the ceiling. "The future of the free world rests on your shoulders." Mom's voice echoes in my head. Suddenly, the room feels small. The walls are closing in and darkness surrounds me. "Go away." I mutter under my breath, closing my eyes and taking deep breaths. My mom and I have a not great relationship. Mal has a better relationship with her than I do. But no matter what, I still want to impress her. After all, she's the one who took care of me, not Hades.

I hear a knock on my door and mutter a 'come in' before opening my eyes. I see Evie enter. Her royal blue hair waving around as she walks inside. "Hey, are you okay?" She asks me, frowning. I quickly sit up straight, clearing my throat and smiling. "Hey, E." I say. She frowns, sitting on my bed. "What's wrong?" She asks. I sigh, looking at my hands. I wanted to tell her, I really do, but what kind of leader am I if I unload my problems on her?

She takes my hands and the warmth radiating off her palms soothes me. I look up at her red-brown eyes and wish I could stare at them all day. But a knock breaks the silence. "Hey. We should go find Jay and Carlos. The sooner we find the wand, the sooner we can leave." Mal says, looking at her phone in her hands. She looks up, opening her mouth to say something before seeing us and snapping it shut. "Orrrr we can do that later?" She questions, slowly stepping back, only now realising the intimate moment we were having.

I sigh, standing and dropping Evie's hands. "No, it's fine. Let's go." I say, turning and holding a hand for Evie. She takes it, allowing me to help her up before grinning. "My prince." She jokes, bowing. I laugh, shaking my head. "C'mon goofball." I say, following Mal who reads out the boys' room number from her phone.


Let's just say, I hear Carlos before I see him.

We reach the door of the boys' room and I hear Carlos within. "Whoo! Whoa!" His voice says, muffled slightly by the door. I sigh, pushing the door open without knocking. As I do, I spot Carlos in front of the TV with controllers in his hands. He is bending around and moving around while his character does the same on the screen. "Damn, that looks fun. Why didn't we get that?" Mal mutters. I spot a figure entering from the window and sigh. "Jay, What are you doing?" I ask. He chuckles, closing the window and dumping contents on his bed. "It's called stealing." He says. "Okay, what's the point?" Mal questions. "Well, Mal, It's like buying whatever I want, except it's free." He says.

"Okay. So, you could do that, or you could leave all of this here and pick it up when we take over the world." Mal continues. Evie, who is on Carlos' bed, chuckles. "You sound just like your mom." She says. Mal grins, turning with a hand to her heart. "Thank you." She says. I roll my eyes, grabbing one of the trinkets Jay stole and turning it in my hand. It was a small golden tiara. One that looks like it used to be valuable, but got lost in the market of Auradon. The gems that are supposed to be there are missing. I take it, pocketing it without Jay noticing. I just stole from a thief. Ha.

"Either way." I speak up now, drawing their attention to me. "I think we should at least try." I finish, looking at Carlos who is still screaming at the screen. "Die suckers!" He shouts before turning around and noticing Jay for the first time. "Jay, come check this thing out. Man, it's awesome." He says, handing Jay the controllers who immediately jump into action. I groan, sitting beside Evie as we watch the boys for a second. "Guys!" Mal exclaims. "Do I have to remind you what we're all here for?" She asks, trying to take the lead. She tries, knowing that technically she would be if anything happens to me. But she just needs to work on her social skills.

"Fairy Godmother, blah, blah, blah. Magic Wand, blah, blah, blah." Jay mocks, still playing. I sigh, standing and putting on my signature glare. "This is finally the chance that we can do something to actually prove ourselves. Show our parents that we are evil and vicious and ruthless and cruel. Yeah?" I ask, causing everyone to look at me. "Yeah." They all say. I nod. "We have to do this." I add before turning to Evie. "E, Mirror." I say, making her stand and sit with the mirror in her hand.

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