-Chapter 5: Classtime-

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I flop on the couch as we return from the failed heist. "That goddamn thief." Mal mutters, walking into her room and closing the door. I chuckle, watching the blue haired girl shut the front door and plopping onto the couch beside me. "Well. Guess that means we have school." She says. I sigh, nodding. "Remedial Goodness 101. Yay...." I say sarcastically. Evie punches my shoulder lightly. "Be nice, Y/N. Maybe some good will benefit you." She says. I gasp in fake offence. "Are you, Evie Grimhilde, Saying I'm mean?" I ask. Evie's eyes glint with mischief as she responds. "Mean? No, no. More like, Evil." She says. "That's more like it." I say, grinning as we dissolve into laughter.

"So, what's the plan for tomorrow?" She asks me. I shrug, actually unsure. "Well, scout the area, I guess. Act like a normal student." I say. I look at her, tilting my head. "Why? What's your plans?" I ask. She shrugs. "Lemme guess, looking for a prince." I say, chuckling. She, once again, punches my shoulder. "Ha ha. Very funny." She says. "Have you found one then?" I ask. She stands, shrugging with an evil glint in her eye. "Maybe." She says before walking to her room and closing the door. Damn, she can do anything and I'll find it adorable. Or hot. Or both. Shit, what am I doing?


"If someone hands you a crying baby, do you, A, Curse it? V, lock it in a tower? C, give it a bottle? Or D, carve out it's heart?" The Fairy Godmother asks. God, what kind of class is this? We're not babies. Evie raises her hand, a grin on her face. "Evie." Fairy Godmother says. "What was the second one?" She asks. I mentally facepalm, chuckling to myself as Fairy Godmother sighs. "Oh, okay. Anyone else?" She asks. She looks around, smiling. "Mal?" She asks. Mal sighs, looking up. "C, give it a bottle." She mumbles. "Correct. Again."

Fairy Godmother mainly picks on Mal and I, being Maleficent's kids and being seen as extremely evil. But also, apparently, the smarter ones? The others haven't gotten a right answer yet. "You are on fire, girl!" Carlos says. I laugh as Mal shakes her head. "Just pick the one that doesn't sound like any fun." I mutter. "Ohhhh." Carlos says as Evie says "That makes so much sense!" I chuckle at their responses. Gosh, we were much better at answering questions back at Dragon's Hall. Maybe because they were all actually fun choices.

Suddenly, a girl walks into the classroom behind us. I turn my head, watching with hawk eyes as she walks in. As she passes us, however, she seems to get scared and do this little shriek as she does, speeding up her pace. Well, ain't that interesting?

"Oh. Hello, dear one." Fairy Godmother says. I raise an eyebrow, watching the exchange. The girl says something quietly, the only words I can hear are "dismissal" and "coronation". After Fairy Godmother writes or signs something, she turns to us. "Everyone here remembers my daughter, Jane?" She asks. Immediately, the girl, Jane, shrieks. "Mom, no!" She shouts, making me smirk. "It's okay. Jane, this is everyone." She says, gesturing to us. I raise my hand in a lazy way, smirking at her frightened face. "Hi. That's okay. Don't mind me. As you were." She says, walking to the door. Not before doing the same shriek and fast walk as she passes us.

I let my eyes follow the petite girl. A plan forming in my head. I lean back to speak to Mal. "My locker after class." I say. She nods, her eyes also trailing after the girl as I sit back properly.

"You find a vial of poison. Do you, A, put it in the king's wine?" Fairy Godmother asks. Beside me, Evie slowly raises her hand, deep in thought. "B, paint it on an apple?" At that, the blue haired princess chuckles, smiling a little at the irony. "Or C, turn it over to the proper authorities?" The Fairy finishes. The two boys immediately raise their hands, trying to push each other's hand down. Jay successfully does so, shoving Carlos' hand down before getting chosen. "C. You turn it over to the proper authorities." He says, a smirk on his face. "I was gonna say that." Carlos mumbles. "But I said it first. Come here!" Jay says before grappling at Carlos and ruffling his hair. "Come on, who said it first? Who said it first?" He asks.

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