-Chapter 2: The Barrier-

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"You will go. You will find fairy godmother and you will bring back the magic wand. Easy peasy." Mom says while filing her nails and sitting on her 'throne'. "What's in it for us?" Mal asks. "Matching thrones, hers-and-hers crown." Mom lists. "I think she meant for us." Carlos cuts in. What a brave boy. "It's about us, baby. Don't you guys enjoy watching innocent people suffer?" she asks. Mal shrugs as I chuckle. "I mean, yeah. Who doesn't-" I get cut off by Maleficent. "Well, then get me the wand and you and I can see all that and so much more. And with that wand and my scepter, I will be able to bend both good and evil to my will!" She shouts before she's interrupted by Evie's mom. "Our will." She corrects. "Our will, our will" She says before snapping her fingers. "And if you refuse, you will be grounded for the rest of your lives, Missy." She says. "What?" Mal asks, shocked. "Mom!" I say, annoyance in my tone. Maleficent just mimics shutting our lips before Mal groans, looking down. I just stare at Mom, allowing her now green eyes to bore into me as I stare back, knowing my eyes are changing colour as well, but mine turns light blue from my father instead. She doesn't falter and I feel her influence and power seeping into my head, messing with me, making me wince. "C'mon Y/N." I hear Evie rasp. I push on, trying to ignore the slight pain that Mom's gaze is giving me, but she pushes on, clearly not caring about what the pain feels like.

Not long later, I give in. Wincing and looking away. "Fine." I mutter, looking down. "Ha! I win." mom says, chuckling. I roll my eyes, which to Mal and my mom, is a sign that I'm mentally checking out of the conversation. I feel a hand on mine, and don't even need to turn when I see a wisp of blue beside me. Evie leans her head on my shoulder, knowing how I hate giving into my mom. I lean back, watching as Mal complains to Mom before a voice cuts in.

"Evie my little evil-lette in training." The Evil Queen says, causing Evie to lift her head and walk over to her. She sits down on a chair opposite to her mother as her mother smiles lightly. "You just find yourself a prince with a big castle and a mother-in-law wing." EQ says before they speak together. "And lots and lots of mirrors!" Evie squeals excitedly, smiling and laughing widely before her mom speaks again. "No laughing! Wrinkles!" She says, causing Evie's smile to drop immediately and a monotone expression on her face appears instead. Poor Evie. All her joy is ignored and dropped to look 'pretty'. Wrinkles or not, Evie is the prettiest person I've ever met in my life, and in fact, her smile and laughter makes it even better. Carlos's mom and Jay's dad also take their turns in giving reasons for their child to not go. All ends up failing when Maleficent ignores them and speaks her plans. As she does, I walk behind Evie's chair and lean forward. Resting my forearms on her shoulder and placing my chin on her head. "Hey, E." I mutter. "Hey." She whispers back. "Looking forward to meeting 'perfect princes'?" I tease, earning a light slap on the arm.

"Sorry! My mom's been nagging me about this...stuff for a while. But I just want to be with one person I love, not specifically a prince." She says. "I know, I know." I say, stroking her hair. "Anyone in mind?" I ask, knowing we only know about the princes from books around here. And the things said about them aren't exactly....nice. "Actually, maybe." She says. "Wait, who?" I ask. "Don't tell me it's the prince-soon to be king dude." I mutter. "No, no. You won't....nevermind" She mumbles, turning away. "Wait." I say, but am stopped by Evie's mom who seems to be answering one of Maleficent's questions. "Evie's not going anywhere until we get rid of this unibrow, hm?" She says, gesturing for Evie to lean forward. She does, moving away and my arms drop down without the support of her shoulders.

I watch as her mother and her do whatever they're doing before my mom's voice rings through. "What's wrong with you all? People used to cower at the mention of our names!" She shouts, walking around. "For 20 years, I have searched for a way off this is;and. For 20 years, they have robbed us from our revenge...." She says before facing the Evil Queen. "Revenge on Snow White and her horrible little men." She says, causing the Evil Queen to wince. "Ow." She says. "Revenge on Aladdin and his bloated genie" She adds, riling Jafar up. "Revenge on every sneaky dalmatian that escaped your clutches!" She says to Cruella. Said woman then goes to squeak the dog toy on her shoulder, speaking in a high pitched voice. "Oh, but they didn't get the baby. They didn't get the...They didn't get the baby!" She repeats.

"And I, Maleficent...The evilest of them all, I will finally have my revenge on sleeping beauty and her relentless little prince." She smirks to herself before turning to face all the villains at once, her voice booming over us. "Villains!" She calls out. "Yes?" Jafar and the Evil Queen says. "Our day has come. E.Q, give her the magic mirror." Maleficent says, nodding towards Evie. The queen does as she is told, handing a small handheld mirror to the blue haired princess, with the girl taking it in her hands gently. "This is your magic mirror?" She asks, surprised. I hold in a chuckle, earning a light glare from the girl. "Yeah, well, it ain't what it used to be, but then again, neither are we!" She says, elbowing mom lightly. "It will help you find things." She adds. "Like my true love?" Evie asks, wistfully. Whoever it was, I want a word. "Like my waistline." The queen jokes. "Like the magic wand! Hello!" Mom calls out, clearly annoyed. "My spell book. My book. I need my...that book." She says, scrambling around. "Oh, ah! The safe. The safe! Queen, help me! I never can figure this thing out." She says, forcing the Evil Queen to open the 'safe' for her. Aka the fridge.

"Voila" The queen says sarcastically before sitting down again. "My spell...come, darling." Mom says, gesturing for me to go over. Between Mal and I, Mom seems to see me as more 'evil' due to having Hades as my father. "Evil in my blood" As she says. Mal doesn't mind, she only cares when Mom trusts the spellbook with me. We can both do spells, but I just have more experience. "Oh, there she is. It doesn't work here, but it will in Auradon. Remember? When we were spreading evil and ruining lives." She says, chuckling while the Evil Queen agrees, the two thinking back to their days. :And now, you will be making your own memories by doing exactly as I tell you." She says, placing the book in my hands. "Door." She adds, causing all of us to scramble to the door, ready to leave as we hear a car below. Everyone cheers as they leave, Evie looking at herself in the mirror. "Who's the fairest of them all?" the Queen asks. "Me!" Evie says. "Ah!" "You." Evie corrects. "Yes! Let's go." The queen says, the evil royalty exiting the room. Mom pulls Mal and I aside, looking out from the balcony.

"The future of the free world rests on your shoulders. Don't blow it, girls." She says before we leave. Once out of Mom's sights, Mal nudges me. "Race you to the car." She says. "You're on" I say before we both dash down the stairs, out of the makeshift castle and towards the car, where Evie was getting in. "Evie! E! Move aside!" I called out. She only hears me when she's already getting in and I end up crashing into her and we both tumble inside, onto the plush cushions of the car. I won though! I laugh at Mal as she enters after us, expecting to see her usual scowl on her face from losing. But instead, I see a small smirk on her face as she looks at me. That's when I focus on myself instead, realising there is still the weight of Evie above me and look at the girl to see her laughing at Mal. She turned her head, looking at me and all time stopped. The most gorgeous girl I've ever seen, my best friend, staring back at me. Her hands were on either side of my head to support herself from crushing me. "Hey." I say. "Hi." She says. I smile, putting my hand on her waist to support her from falling when we hear someone clear their throat.

I look over the girl's shoulder at Carlos who is smirking. "Yes. Hello, Lovebirds. We're about to go so you might want to sit back." He says as Jay adds "And not, ya know, on top of each other." He chuckles as Evie and I's face flush red. "Right." She says, turning back and pecking my cheek before getting off me. We sit side by side, with the girl now resting her head on my shoulder. Mal closes the door properly, sitting across from me as the car begins moving. She raises an eyebrow, smirking and I silently tell her to shut up. The boys begin raiding the snacks as Mal stares out the window. "Guys, look!" She says, causing Evie, Carlos, Jay and I to snap our heads up to look out the window, only to see us hurtling towards the end of the broken bridge. "It's a trap!" Someone shouts as we all huddle, screaming. I hold Evie close, closing my eyes and waiting for the crash...only for nothing to happen. "It must be magic..." Evie notes, letting go and looking around as a yellow bridge appears under us. "Well I'll be damned." I say, chuckling. Well, goodbye Isle. Hello, Auradon.

Word Count: 1704

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