-Chapter 8: Did I Mention?-

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"Look, it's them!" I hear a girl say. "Hi, Mal! Love my hair, Mal!" Another girl says. I rub my eyes tiredly. Apparently, last night, Mal did many girls' hair. And this morning, I got bombarded with the rest of them while Mal slept in.

"Are you feeling kind of weird about this? I mean, It's not so bad here, you know." Jay says as he leans against the locker beside Mal's locker. We were waiting for Mal to grab her things before class. "Are you insane? Long Live Evil! You're mean! You're awful! You're bad news!" She says before snapping her fingers. "Snap out of it!" Jay blinks, smirking. "Thanks, Mal. I needed that." He says before sauntering to the railing where many girls were. "The name's Jay. You all going to the tourney game tonight?" He asks. The girls go crazy, and I roll my eyes. Typical Jay.

I look past him, seeing Audrey and Ben speak before she moves to leave. I nudge Mal, putting the bag with a cookie inside. "You got this." I mutter, before waving at Ben from a distance and walking to Evie. We watch the interaction, seeing Mal continuously dismiss Ben and Ben insisting he didn't mean it in a bad way. Soon enough, Ben grabs the cookie from Mal and takes a bite. "There we go." I mutter, clutching Evie's hand and dragging her with me as we walk closer to the pair. "Um...Uh, they're...they're warm and soft. And they're sweet... Mal, have you always had those little golden flecks in your eyes?" He asks my sister, staring into said eyes.

Jay smirks, putting a hand on his shoulder and speaking. "How you feeling...bro?" He asks. Ben looks at him, before looking at me and the others before answering. "I feel... I feel... I feel like..." He starts before seemingly making up his mind and smiling. "Like singing your name!" He says before singing "Mal!" He sings loudly, making Jay cover his mouth. "Mal!" He sings again, muffed this time. "Oookay." I say, chuckling. "Hey Princey? You've got a game later. Better go to practice, yeah?" I ask. He nods, eyes not leaving Mal's.

Jay ushers him away, leaving Carlos, Evie, Mal and I at the lockers. "Well. That went better than expected." I say, laughing at Mal's horrified expression. "If you call that better, I don't know what bad is for you." She mutters, burying her face in her hands. I roll my eyes, dragging the girl with me to her class. "Well, either way, you have class. Now, I don't know how far this spell can go, but I do know this. No one likes a school ditcher. Not here at least." I say. Mal sighs, getting herself together before nodding. "Alright. See you at the game then." She says before leaving.

Evie and I walk to class, going to it which happened to be English. "I never understood why we have to take a class for the language we've spoken since birth." I mutter. Evie laughs, shaking her head. "Well, there's a lot about the language we DON'T know. So, to be fair, as much as we are experts, there are still things we can improve on. And I'm not just talking about speaking. Don't forget that writing is English too, no matter if you enjoy it or not." She says, taking note of how I don't take notes. "Yeah, yeah, shush." I laugh, nudging the girl.

After a while, It's time for the Tourney game and Mal, Evie and I are on the stands with Lonnie watching. Jay gets subbed in, but drags Carlos with him. He's bringing in that hothead Jay in from the Isle of the Lost and that little guy Carlos can barely hold a shield." The announcer says through the speakers. Soon, the team breaks and the ball goes sailing through the air, right in front of Jay. Using his Tourney stick, he passes it to Ben while Carlos blocks an oncoming attacker. "He does a little dancing jig in his opponent's face." The announcer says as we watch Carlos dance in happiness of being able to do something.

"That boy is a child." I hear Mal laugh out. I nod in agreement. "He's our little brother." I say, referring to how our group is like a family. "Another sibling?" Mal questions, raising an eyebrow at me. I playfully push her in response as Evie chuckles at our antics. "And now Jay gets the ball back. Here comes Jay! Jay, hurdling maneuver at mid-field." The announcer says as we see Jay run towards the goal, but the goalie gets ready to block him at any moment. We see Ben lift his arms as if saying he is open before Jay passes to Ben. "Prince Ben moves over wide, gives it back to Jay. He's in the clear!" He says as we all stand, watching Ben shoot, but gets blocked by the goalie.

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