-Chapter 3: Auradon Prep-

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God, why are Auradonians so...cheerful?

We arrive at the main quad of Auradon prep to be met with smiles, waves and a band. Yes, a whole goddamn band to welcome us. The boys are wrestling with some crap in the limo as we step out, right into the bright sun that has never been this bright while on the Isle.

"You got everything else! Why do you want whatever this is?" Carlos shouts as they fall out of the vehicle and onto the road of Auradon Prep. "Cause you want it!" Jay shouts back. I see three figures walk towards us from the large looming building. Smiles on their faces. There was one guy, wearing a black fitted suit and two gals. One wearing a light blue outfit and the other donning a bright pink dress. God, she has to be a princess.

"Guys." I whisper-shout. "Guys!" Mal tries, to no avail. "Guys! We have an audience!" I say, louder, causing Jay and Carlos to look at us. Jay plasters a charming smile on his face before stopping his actions. "Just cleaning up." he says before muttering for Carlos to get up. Jay, still holding....whatever it is, attempts to hide it. "Leave it like you found it!" The short, light blue lady says. "And by that, I mean just leave it." She adds, making Jay frown and throw it back into the limo. I sigh, turning back to the three.

We look insanely out of place. Everyone here is in dresses and suits while we aren't. I'm still in my Hades blue and Maleficent purple leather attire. I smile at the three, trying to look somewhat respectable. Not gonna help our mission if I'm suspicious, right? Jay, though? He walks past me, smirking at the pink princess. "Hello, foxy. The name's Jay." He says, although it's clear, she doesn't care.

"Welcome to Auradon Prep." The light blue lady says. "I'm fairy godmother, headmistress." She adds with a smile that's just too...happy. Her name, however? Ding, Ding, Ding! "THE fairy godmother?" I ask. Mal steps forward, a glint in her eye. "As in, "Bibbidi-Bobbidi-boo"?" She asks. I snort lightly at the way she asks it. Classic Mal. "Bibbidi-bobbidi. You know it." Fairy Godmother responds. Oh god, she's gonna be like THAT? Mal nods, using her elbow to nudge me, knowing I'm the more social sibling.

"You know? I've always wondered how Cinderella felt. You know, when you just appeared, out of nowhere." I smile sweetly. "Waving that sparkly wand around, a warm smile on your face." I add, tilting my head. "Oh..." Fairy Godmother says before Mal cuts in. "And that sparking wand." She repeats. I elbow her, making her retreat back. Way to make it obvious, sis. "That was a long time ago. And as I always say, "Don't focus on the past or you'll miss the future."" She quotes herself. I try to hide my grimace behind my smile. Help me. She's too fairytale good to be around. I think I'm going to melt in her presence.

The man steps forward, donning a charming grin and looking at each of us. "It's so good to finally meet you all. I'm Ben." He says. Ah right, that's the name of the idiot who brought us here. "Prince Benjamin. Soon to be king." The pink girl cuts in, latching onto his arm like the leech. Yeesh. He's NOT having fun. Evie steps forward, smiling her gorgeous, charming smile and steps right up to Ben. "You had me at prince. My mom's a queen, which makes me a princess." She says, bowing lightly. I smile, she's so goddamn adorable. "The evil queen has no royal status here." The pink prissy pants says. Rude girl. "And neither do you." She adds. Oh she did not just say that to Evie. I watch as the smile on the blue princess's face fades, leaving her with a slight frown. Oh hell, this girl is gonna get it. "This is Audrey." Ben says. Audrey. Basic.

"Princess Audrey." Ha! Knew it! "His girlfriend." She adds. Yeah, the leech. "Right, Bennyboo?" She says, grinning at him. I grimace, not even hiding it. Bennyboo? I...Just no. "Ben and Audrey are going to show you around, and I'll see you tomorrow." Fairy Godmother says, turning to walk away. "The doors of wisdom are never shut!" She exclaims before turning back, looking at us. "But the library hours are from 8:00 to 11:00. And as you may have heard, I have a little thing about curfews." She notes, raising a brow. I nod, satisfying her before she leaves.

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