-Chapter 11: Parents Day-

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After showers and changing, I smile at the girl, turning around and opening my room door to let the blue haired princess into my room. It's a little bit awkward for me cause I don't usually let people into my room...but I feel oddly at ease with the girl in here. She looks around at the purple and light blue walls. "So, uh, make yourself at home?" I say awkwardly. Evie laughs lightly before shaking her head. "You're acting like we haven't been living together for the past few months." She says. "Sorry. Theres a difference between living in the same area than living in the same room." I say sarcastically. "Well then, theres a first time for everything." She says, smiling.I roll my eyes playfully and shut the door as Evie walks around, picking things up and putting them back down. I settle onto my queen sized bed, patting the area next to me.

Evie settles in that area, laying down and getting under the covers. I turn off main light, letting the dim bedside lamp illuminate the room with a warm glow. We stay like that for a bit. Face up, looking at the ceiling and listening to the quiet sound of our breathing. As if we both have the same idea, we turn onto our sides, facing each other. I stare into her eyes, now basically black due to the lack of light. "Do you like it here in Auradon?" I ask her in a whisper. She nods slowly before speaking. "Yeah. Do you?" She asks back, also in a whisper. I nod. "Which parts do you like?" I ask softly. She smiles, staring at me. "I like the freedom, the happiness, the opportunities." She lists before meeting my eyes again. "And I like the fact that love isn't frowned upon." She adds quietly. I smile too, chuckling lightly.

"You never did find your prince." I note, making her smile too. "I didn't need to. I found someone ages ago." She says. "Oh yeah? Who?" I ask, raising an eyebrow, even though she probably can't see it. "Who's the lucky guy?" I add. Evie doesn't answer, only looks at me as I feel her hand reach for mine under the covers. "Evie..." I whisper before I feel another hand snake around my waist. "Y/N. I have a question." She says, inching closer to me. I feel my heartbeat speed up at the contact as I smirk. "Yeah?" I ask. She stops barely an inch from my face, looking at me before whispering so softly I almost didn't catch it.

"Can I kiss you?"

My mind whirls at that question and I feel myself smile widely. "Don't tell me I'm a rebound from the 'lucky guy'." I joke quietly, earning an eyeroll. "Shut up." She mutters before surging forward and kissing me on the lips. My heart flutters at the feeling of her lips on mine, dreaming for ages and now finally experiencing it. I kiss her back, tilting my head and melting into her as she holds me. I wrap my arms around her as best as I can while we're lying down as we kiss until we run out of breath.

Once we do, we pull apart and look into each others eyes. Both of us smiling like idiots as I feel a chuckle bubble in my chest. "God, I've wanted to do that for ages." I say. Evie laughs, leaning her forehead on mine as she does. "As have I. Even through all that prince searching, my heart and mind always found it's way back to you." She says. I laugh, pulling her closer. "I realised I didn't want a prince, I wanted a villain." She says, smiling. I peck her lips again, feeling tired with happiness as I feel my eyelids droop. "Mhm, well, now thats cleared up, we have as long as we like to talk about this." I say, sleep taking over my voice. "Go to sleep, Y/N." Evie whispers, stroking my hair as I nuzzle into her neck instead. "Sweet dreams, E." I mutter before closing my eyes and feeling a kiss on my head. "Goodnight, Y/N."


I wake up with warm arms wrapped around me as I open my eyes. I note the light streaming through the gap in my curtains as I look around my room. God, todays parents day. I look up to see the gorgeous blue haired girl, fast asleep beside me. Clanging is heard from outside my room, the sounds of cutlery scraping a plate or bowl.

Before I can do anything, I feel the arms tighten around me. "Stay." I hear that sweet voice say. I look back up to see Evie's eyes now slightly open and gazing down at me. "Good morning beautiful." I say, kissing her jaw. She giggles lightly before responding. "Morning." She says. "Today's parents day." I say. Evie sighs, nodding. "Yeah, I know. I'm not looking forward to seeing any of the parents who probably hate our guts." She says. I nod, thinking back to the night before and smiling. "So..." I start. "So?" Evie questions, confused.

"So you like me." I finish. Evie flushes and smirks. "Well, you like me." She retorts, raising a brow. I nod, proudly. "That I do." I say. "Well, I do like you, so maybe, considering we know each other so well already, I have a question." She says. "What is it?" I ask, excited. "I see no need to go on a date before I ask you this. So, Y/N, Will you be my girlfriend?" She asks me. I laugh, pulling her closer to me as I do. "I had hoped for something more romantic." I say sarcastically. Evie pushes me away lightly, looking into my eyes. "Please, you are not a cheesy romantic person." She says. I shrug. "You know me too well." I say, smiling. "Yes. Evie Grimhilde, I would love to be your girlfriend." I say, grinning widely.

Evie launches forward and kisses my lips again, wrapping her arms around my neck as I hold her close. I was in heaven, cloud nine, whatever. I loved this, and I never want this to end.... That is until a knock on the door is heard. "Y/N, are you up yet?" Mal's voice floats in. I pull away from Evie, grumbling. In response, the girl laughs at me and shakes her head. "We have to look presentable for the parents." She says. "I think you look good in anything." I say, smirking as she gets up. "Including nothing." I mutter under my breath. Evie stops, turning around slowly with raised eyebrows. "What did you say?" She asks me. "Oh, nothing." I say, smiling innocently before getting up and walking to the door. I stop at the handle, looking back. "Do we want to tell the others? Or...."

Evie shrugs. "Maybe not now. I don't think this is the best time for that." She says. I agree before opening the door and looking for Mal. Seeing an empty living room, Evie walks out and to her room, winking before closing the door to change. I change too before meeting the two in the living room again as we head off.


We arrive at parent's day to see Ben and the Auradon kids performing a weird ass version of 'Be our guest' to the parents. "God, did they really think that would impress them?" Jay asks, shaking his head. "They're Auradon people. Good guys. They wouldn't dare be rude." Mal notes, rolling her eyes. We walk down stairs, getting to where the parents are as we awkwardly mill around the edges. Carlos and Jay go for the chocolate fountain as Mal starts hoarding strawberries. "Really Mal?" I ask as I smile awkwardly to the goodie two shoes' around us. "You should try them. They're really good." She says with a mouthful of them. "Maybe next time..." I mutter, walking away with Evie. As Mal and the boys consume their worth of snacks, Evie and I make our way to the other side where Lonnie, Jane and Doug are.

"Hey!" Jane says happily, waving. I wave back, smiling a little as we arrive. "What's up?" I ask. "Just waiting for our parents." Jane says. "My mom's busy talking to Cinderella." Lonnie says. "And my Dad is with his siblings." Doug says, nodding to where a bunch of dwarves are. "So this is the 'I've been abandoned by my parent' club?" I ask. They nod and Evie laughs. "Great. We fit right in." She says. I smile at the girl, nudging her slightly as we gaze at each other. "Ahem." Lonnie interrupts, making me blush and look back. "You two okay?" Jane asks. "Uh, yeah, we're just...in deep thought of how sad our parents are to not actually care about us." I say. Evie nods vigorously beside me. "Anyway. I see your parents coming over so we better leave before anything...chaotic begins." Evie says, smiling before grabbing my hand and pulling me away before Mulan and Dopey arrive. Fairy Godmother wouldn't care, but we never know what the other parents will think.

We arrive back at Mal who is done eating and is now staring at Ben, who is taking pictures with his parents. "Stop staring. It's weird." I mutter into her ear, causing her to blush. "I'm not-"

"Mal!" Ben calls from the other side as his parents look at us, mouths agape. Well, whatever he said to them clearly shocked them. Mal excuses herself and walks to the prince. We watch as they exchange words, smiles and bows before we see Mal point over to us. I wave at the king and queen, as does Evie, and Carlos who has a mouth full of chocolate. I shrug at Mal, apologizing before they turn away. Not long later, Mal approaches us with a forced smile. "Please tell me you know how to play croquet." She asks. Carlos, Jay and I shake our heads as Evie claps. "Croquet? That old game? My mother forced me to learn it at a very young age. Told me it is 'what real princesses know how to play'" Evie says, quoting her words. I place a hand on her shoulder, making her look at me. "You're a lifesaver."

After a quick Croquet lesson from Evie and Ben, we're off to play with the king and queen....I hope it goes well.

Word Count: 1732

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