-Chapter 12: Villains Again-

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"Come on, Dude!" Carlos calls as he runs around with the campus mutt. He was excused from playing to do so, since everyone loves Dude. I watch as Ben teaches Mal how to play croquet more and as Evie speaks to Belle and Beast about some fashion thing she had. Jay was somewhere in the back, trying to play with Lonnie and the others.

I feel someone beside me and turn my head to see a fairly tall, old woman wearing pink who is looking at me with familiarity in her eyes. "Hellow there." She says. "Hello." I say politely, smiling. "Now, have we met?" She asks me, looking me over. I furrow my eyebrows. I have not met this woman in my life.... "No, I don't think so." I say. "Technically, I'm something like a transfer student here." I add as she nods. "Oh, yes." She says before Audrey strolls us and interupts us. "Grammy." She says, smiling. "Oh, Audrey! Give Grammy a kiss, dear." The woman says, going in to kiss her cheek.

My blood goes cold as I stare at their interaction. Shit.... "Grammy?" I question as Audrey looks at me, eyes going cold and anger filling them. "Sleeping Beauty's mother." She clarifies as she looks at her 'grammy'. "Grammy, I din't think you want to be talking to this girl. Unless you feel like taking another hundred-year nap." She says, bitterness rolling off her tongue. "What?" The lady asks as she looks at me. I feel hot anger fill my veins as I stare at Audrey, before lacing it over with a sweetness I never knew I could have as I look to the lady. It was a Maleficent speciality, something which the lady clearly recognised as she gasps.

"You! How are you herer?" She asks loudly, drawing everyone's attention. Mal and Ben rush to my side as I stare at the woman. "And how have you stayed so young?" She asks, looking at me before at Mal, another flicker of recognition. "Queen Leah, it's okay. Maleficent is still on the island." Ben tries, reaching out for my arm to pull me away. "This is her daughter, Y/N." He says as I smile. Queen Leah looks to Mal, narrowing her eyes. "And that one?" She asks bitterly. "My sister." I say. "That's Mal. Maleficent's younger daughter." Ben clarifies. Queen Leah crosses her arms, wary.

"Don't you remember my proclamation to give the new generation a chance?" Ben asks Queen Leah. "A chance to what, Ben? Destroy us?" She asks, looking around. "Come on. You remember, don't you? The poison apples!" She says, glaring at Evie. I step infront of the girl, shielding her from this woman. "And the spells." She says, looking directly to me. "Spells. My daughter... was raised by fairies because of you mother's curse." She says, pointing directly at my chest as I raise my head, not willing to back down. "So her first words, her first steps...I missed it all!" She says, jabbing at me. Evie brushes her hand away, making her step back, glaring at me. "You mustn't trust her." She says.

Mal frowns, stepping forward. "I'm so, so-" She tries before Chad steps in, pushing her. "Go Away! Stay away from her!" Chad says, blocking Queen Leah from view. "Don't do this, Chad." Ben says, stepping in front of Mal. "What?" Chad asks, shocked as more people gather. I see Lonnie, Jane and Doug behind Audrey, frowning at the exchange. "They were raised by their parents, Ben. What do you think villains teach their kids? Huh?" Chad asks. "Kindness? Fair play? No way, okay? Uh-uh." He says before leveling his gaze to Mal.

He points at her, anger in his eyes. "You stole another girl's boyfriend." He says, nodding to Ben who tries to stop him. "Hey, hey!" The soon-to-be king says, only to be ignored. Jay, who is standing beside Ben now, frowns when Chad moves his gaze and focus to him. "You enjoy hurting people." He says, making Jay growl at him. He looks at me, as I'm in front of Evie. "You're essentially the leader of this whole goddamn gang. For all we know, you told them to do these things." He says before leveling his gaze to Evie, behind me. He nudges me aside and points at her. "And you...you're nothing but a gold digger and a cheater."

I stumbled a little from his push as Evie lifts her mirror. "Mirror, mirror, in my hand, who's the biggest jerk in the land?" She asks it, showing it to him as it displays himself. "What? Come on!" He says as he pushes Evie aside. At that, I step back to him, growling. "Don't you dare touch her." I say, pushing him hard, making him stumble. He gets up and tries to run at me again before Jay steps in and holds him in space. "Back off, Chad!" he shouts. Chad struggles against Jay's grip so Evie, taking the potion perfume, sprays it at Chad's face, knocking him out as he slumps to the floor.

"Chad! Chad? Evie did something to Chad!" Audrey shouts as all us VKs back away. "Shit." I mutter as I grab Evie's hand. "Let's go." I say to her as we turn around. "Come on, Mal." Evie says as we pass the purple haired girl. "Guys!" I hear Ben call from behind us, but I ignore it. This was Chaos and we know it. "Jay!" Mal shouts, getting the boys to follow us too. We run away from the party, from the Auradon kids and parents. We know now, clearly, once they have the chance, they're willing to put us back in the category of 'villain'. No matter what we do.

The day goes on and soon, it's lunch and the parents have left to do some activity. The VKs and I are at a picnic table, mainly staring into nothing with uneaten food in front of us. I sit beside Evie as she rests her head on my shoulder. "Hey, guys. How is everyone?" Ben asks cheerfully as he approaches our gloomy looking table. "Yeah? Hey, listen. Forget about it, all right?" he says as he walks behind Mal, rubbing her arms. "It was nothing. Forget about it. Let it go. Tomorrow, after the coronation, I promise everything will be okay." He says, smliing even though it's clear it's nothing convincing us one bit. He leans down, whispering into Mal's ear before bidding us goodbye. Leaving us to the wolves on the other table. "I'll see you guys later." He says as he leaves.

I sigh, feeling Evie play with my fingers under the table as Doug approaches us. "Doug." I say, offering a small smile. "Listen, I wanna talk about earlier today. I just..." He tries before Chad calls out. "Doug!" Evie looks at Doug, giving a sad smile. "It's my fault, Doug. I'm sorry." She says as Doug responds. "No, it's mine." He says before Chad, once again, interrupts. "Doug!" He says as Doug turns to see anger in Chad's eyes. At that, Doug turns back, regret in his eyes. "Doug..." Evie says as he looks at us before holding up his hands. "Sorry, I can't." He says before turning and walking back to his table. Evie sighs and pushes her lunch tray away from her, burying her face in my neck as I take her hand back.

I see prissy princess Audrey and Jane approach. However, Jane's usual nice girl aura is gone and instead, she looks like Audrey 2.0. They walk behind Mal, snickering at her. "How long does she think that's gonna last? Mal is just the bad girl infatuation." Audrey says, grinning wickedly. "Yeah. I mean, he's never gonna make a villain a queen." Jane adds on. Mal shrinks in her seat, frowning at the table as I meet Jane's eye. She looks back at me and I see fear begin to seep it's way into her expression as I glare at her with light blue eyes. She and Audrey scurry away, back to their table of idiots as I look at Mal, seeing her still upset. I close my eyes and chant the words "Beware, forswear, undo Jane's hair."

I hear a screech from the other table and grin as I look to see Jane's hair back to its old style. Chad even looking disgusted at her. Mal looks, smiling a bit now as she stands. I do, followed by Evie as we glare at the other table. We're one gang, the VKs. And we're sticking together, no matter what. "There's a lot more where that came from." Mal says, glaring at Audrey who chuckles. "Excuse me, who do you think you are?" the pink princess responds, looking around and laughing. "Do we look like we're kidding?" Mal asks before looking at me. I smirk, picking up mother's spell book and flicking through it, immediately making the Auradon Kids scurry away out of fear.

Mal turns, smiling at us. "I'm really looking forward to tomorrow." She says, chuckling. I grin, looking at each other the other VKs. "Let's grab that wand and blow this popsicle stand." I say before we get out of our seats, ready to walk back to our dorms to prepare for the day of our lives. I grab Evie's hand, holding it tight as we walk. We're in this together, whether we want it or not.

Word Count: 1568

(1) Long Live Evil (Evie/ (Fem) You)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora