-Chapter 1: Rotten To The Core-

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Y/N pov

Another day on the Isle, another day to wreak havoc on the streets.

I shake the can of spray paint I have in my hands before adding the final touches to my infamous 'logo' if you will. We all have one. Each one of us in the gang has a unique version of our motto 'Long Live Evil'. Mine is a silhouette of my mother, Maleficent, with my father's fire, Hades surrounding her. 'Long Live Evil' etched within. It is a mixture of Purple and Blue. A lighter blue than Evie's signature colour. Ah, Evie. I guess it's best to introduce the whole gang.

I turn and grin, chuckling, feeling the music in my head as I do. That's something we do. Considering we live in the 'land of fairytales' everything is a musical. Only our music? Probably not as happy as the ones you'd find in a storybook. "They say I'm trouble, they say I'm bad." I sing, nodding at my sister, or half sister, Mal who I toss the paint can to. "They say I'm evil, that makes us glad." I look up, spotting Jay, Jafar's son, climbing down a ladder from a roof. "A dirty no good, down to the bone. Your worst nightmare, can't take me home." He sings. I hear the clicking of heels behind me and turn to see the blue haired princess strutting down a dining table. Yes, a literal dining table. "I've got some mischief in my blood. Can you blame me? I never got no love." She sings, hopping off the table and smirking at some random guy, who's eyes trail after her. Damn her and her charm. She glances at me, winking before strutting off. "They think I'm callous, a low life hood. I feel so useless, misunderstood." Carlos sings from somewhere around the corner, walking around it and grabbing some little girl's apple. He takes a bite out of it before tossing it back to her. (A/N: I'm not gonna write the whole song, so imagine it happening. Aha)

I walk down the street, meeting up with Evie and the others along the way. We drag open a wired fence door before walking into a more crowded area of the Isle. "Call me a schemer. Call me a freak. How can you say that? I'm just...Unique." I say, smirking at the others. "What? Me a traitor? Ain't got your back?" Jay sings, grabbing someone's genie lamp looking teapot. Mal steps in front of Jay, an innocent smile on her face. "Are we not friends? What's up with that?" She sings, making the guests smile back and therefore, distracting them and allowing Jay to pocket the teapot. I hear catcalls from a shop and jog over, spotting a random guy eyeing Evie as she walks through colourful streamers. "So I'm a misfit, so I'm a flirt." She sings, spinning the guy. "I broke your heart? I made you hurt?" She adds, catching my eye as the guy swoons over her. "The past is past, forgive, forget. The truth is?" Carlos sings, riding a cart of hay. "You ain't seen nothing yet!" We all shout, grabbing any leftover attention from around us.

Evie and I watch from a balcony as the boys and Mal cause ruckus below. Swinging on beams, messing with ropes. I roll my eyes at their antics, hearing Evie chuckle from beside me. Her low, raspy tone making me wish I can replay it again and again. I bring my attention back to the others and whistle, nodding outside. We head out, dancing our hearts out as the crowd around us either cheers or cower. This was the life we had. It wasn't perfect, it wasn't easy, but here, we are on the top of the food chain...and that's where I plan for us to stay.

Alright, so. My crew? We're the best of the best....or I guess the worst of the worst? I, Y/N, am the daughter of the evil sorceress, Maleficent, and the god, Hades. I'm the de-facto leader of the group, only because I was the one who came up with the idea years back. It started with just Mal and I, and over the course of 6 months, we recruited the rest of the gang. Mal, my half sister. One year younger, with Maleficent as her mother, and an unknown father. According to mom, he was useless and died a year after Mal's birth. Reasons are unknown. Mal is slightly shorter than me, with dark purple hair. She's 15, but not the youngest in our group. That would be Carlos De Vil, Cruella's son. He was recruited by Mal as they're in the same year. He is 15 too, a few months younger than Mal. He has short, platinum blonde, or even white hair. Fitting for Cruella's son.

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