Chapter 21: Training

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About time for the.... main event in the discord╮⁠(⁠^⁠▽⁠^⁠)⁠╭
A few are indeed curious about it乁⁠[⁠ᓀ⁠˵⁠▾⁠˵⁠ᓂ⁠]⁠ㄏ

As the celestia prepare themselves for the worst. They were unexpectedly greeted by a child who happened to be.....

[Your Pov]

"Papa!" This caught everyone's attention. I then noticed how surprised Albedo was. I then turn to look at the child and surprisingly... ' Why does he look like a mini version of... Albedo and..... Kaeya....🧍‍♀️'

I thought as the said child hugged Albedo, " Oya? Albedo-san who's this?" Hu tao asked. Albedo lets out a nervous chuckle and answered, " This is Winter, she's.... my daughter" He sweatdropped making everyone surprised but not me.

"Daughter?! Wait when...-" Griffin cutted himself off and quickly looked at Klee, " Did you know about this Klee?" Klee looks at him with a confused look, " No? Mr. Albedo never told me anything! I don't know who she is though..."

I then spoke up making everyone look at me, " A child created by alchemy.... you already learned how to create life huh... Very Impressive!" I complimented him making him smile, " Created by Alchemy...? Does that mean-" Griffin got cutted off by Albedo, " I created life with my power and blood mixed with Kaeya's... Though there are two ways of creating life, one is creating a womb outside a body then infused it with your powers and blood along with your lover(s)'. It will take about 2 weeks until the baby will be born. And the other way is...." Albedo took out a container filled with glowing gold pills, " By taking this pill and do "that". There will be no side effects just normal pregnancy except it last about 3 months rather than 9 months" He finished explaining and stared at me with his smug face.

This annoyed me and made me slightly glared at him, ' You mother fu****.....' I thought, " Klee doesn't understand...." Making everyone sweatdropped at her, " You'll know once you're older" Griffin said as he hugged her while glaring at Albedo. Albedo just shrugged it off, " Winter, darling what brought you here anyways?" Albedo asked to his daughter, " I-I was curious of... where you were going so I followed you...." Winter said. Albedo lets out a sigh and placed a hand on her head, " It's alright dear, but you must've made your two uncle worried" This made Winter's eyes widen, " Ah right! I forgot about them.... I'll be going back now, papa" Albedo nods, " Be safe "

"Is it reall safe to let the child go on her own?" I eyed on Albedo, " I already showed her this domain along with the whole dragonspine... she knows all the safe routes and dangerous routes" He explained. I shrugged it off, " Lets just continue our traning. Hoshi, Paimon come with me, I'll tell you guys more about he past" I said, " Alright!" The two of them replied in sync. They then followed you to the meeting hall...

[Author's Pov]

Note: Sorry but there's a huge timeskip for now since my motivation is leaving~ಥ⁠‿⁠ಥ

200 years have passed as Paimon and Hoshi has reached the same level as the others, this made the training end as they all finally decided to go back to their homes. Upon arriving outside, " This is where we all depart... Let's contact each other by letters" You said as everyone agreed, " Well then see you guys again soon" There everyone bid goodbye as you took Hu tao and Paimon with you to Liyue. " Fuwaaa that was so fun!" Hu tao said as you three arrived at the Harbor. You chuckled at her behavior, " You never changed..." You then look at Paimon, " Aether should be looking for you since I did say in the letter that it'll only take about 20 minutes.." You took out a pouch filled with mora, " Here Paimon, thank you for your cooperation. You can use this to buy food you want" You chuckled as Paimon quickly snatched the bag, " Thank you M/n! Waaahh this amount can buy Paimon a lot of food!" She then floats towards a random direction. "Now then I should also get going, it'll be alright for you to go on your own right Hutao?" She looks at you and smiled, " Of course! I grew up in this harbor there's no way I can get lost hehe" She lets out a giggle, " I see well goodbye Hutao" "Bye bye!" There you teleported to the Wangshu Inn.

'I feel like I'm in trouble....'

To be continued

Welp just a few words at the end, you all will probably would've guess what's the next chapter is going to be- ehe~


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