Chapter 10, Act 3: Meeting in the same dream

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There's a little spoiler about this at the discord server🤫

There's a little spoiler about this at the discord server🤫

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[Author's Pov]

Few the past two days, dreams or should I say memories started to become more clear to those who have celestia blood (except xiao and the other person😇)

It was now night time, those reincarnations slept peacefully as they we're transported in a dream world.....

(Your pov)

I had my eyes close, suddenly I heard a giggle. I slowly opened my eyes and saw that I'm no longer mine and Xiao's room.

However, I was somewhere.... familiar and I noticed that my body was slightly transparent, 'What the-'

I then got cutted off when a few more slightly transparent people came falling from the sky.

"Ouch, that was one way to wake up..."

"Huh? Is this a dream...? **** is confused..."

"What happened.."

I look at three and recognized one of them, 'So these other two are also the reincarnations... I knew when I was passing by Mondstadt these two have a different aura....'

One of them noticed my presence, " M/n?!" This caught everyone's attention.

"Nice meeting you all, the three of you must be confused of why we're here, am I right?"

"Ah.. Indeed, Do you perhaps know where we are..?" the male figure said.

" Mhm, Do you know where we are Mr...??" a female child said.

"Indeed, and we should introduce each other. The only person I know is is Hu tao" I suggest as I look at the dark brown haired girl, Hutao.

"Oya? Why do I feel like this place is familiar??" Hu tao looks at the surrounding.

"Same goes for me... This place is quite familiar even though never in my life I have been here..."

"Me too! This is like a dream place!"

I let out a chuckle, " For starters, My name is M/n"

"Nice to meet you Mr. M/n! I'm Klee the Spark Knight of the Knights of Favonius!"

"I am Albedo, Chief Alchemist of the Knight os Favonius"

"Nice to meet you two, and don't forget to introduce yourself..." I look at Hutao as she saw the message.

"Oh! I'm Hu tao, The 77th Director of the Wangsheng Funeral Parlor. Nice to meet ya!" Hu tao introduced as Klee has sparkles around her.

"Now that's finished, I'll explain what this place is" I said as I saw them face me.

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