Chapter 16. The Rendezvous.

Start from the beginning

I closed the card and placed it on my chest. Shucks...My shoulders and my chest are already moving as Nikolai turns bloody murder red. I held on to the cabinet to my side because I think im going to collapse any moment now.

"Baby, forgive me?" Said Nikolai.

I did not answer him. I just looked at him and let out a laugh. Im palming my chest. Oh god, I think Im running out of breath. This is so priceless.

"Nikolai hand me your phone." I said, while holding my stomach. Im already teary eyed because of laughter.

I know Nikolai's men are already struggling to hold back their smiles as well. My future husband struggled to get his phone from the inside pocket of his jacket so Yuri was the one who took it from him. Yuri lets out a smile as he hands me the phone. I just wink at him.

"What are you doing?" Said Nikolai.

"Stay right there Nikolai." I said while taking a picture of him. I instantly sent it to Alexei and placed a caption Whos idea is this?

I just stood and waited for Alexei's reply. Nikolai on the other tried to step closer to me.

"Dont come near Nikolai." I said. He quickly halted and frowned like a stunbborn teenage boy. After a few seconds Alexei replied.

"Hahahahaha! Ask her." The caption said under the picture of Amy. My bestfriend looks like she's busy eating in our kitchen. Her mouth is full of god knows what. In her background are the chef and the old woman. So that explains a lot. This is the reason why Amy was out of reach since this morning and why Nikolai looks like he wouldnt be doing this if he had any other choice.

I slowly walked towards Nikolai's direction because I know, doing this is against his better judgement. My poor Nikolai. Yup the angry Belle is now all gone.

I stood right in front of my future husband and looks at him in his eyes.

"I love you baby. I miss your lips. I want to hold you so bad, Im dying." Said Nikolai like a deprived teenage boy.

He hands me the bouquet of flowers, box of chocolates and the unicorn stuff toy.

"Am I forgiven? Can I touch you now?" Said Nikolai.

"I will forgive you if you can explain to me why you are holding a handful of grass in your other hand"

"I dont want you to feed the flowers I gave you to that animal. So I brought grass for the damn goat."

My gosh, this man, the love of my life, is the single most complicated man I have ever known. He can be intense, affectionate, sweet,stubborn, touchy, bad boy, good boy, loving, cute, serious, overly possessive all at the same time I cant believe that's even possible.

I placed the gifts on the table beside us and hugged Nikolai very tight. Oh god, I actually miss him. I wrapped my arms around him and looked him in his eyes.

"I forgive you Nikolai."

Nikolai suddenly looked like a child on christmas morning. He lets go of the grass and instantly carried me and wraps my legs around him.

"What are you doing Nikolai?"

"Taking home my wife."

"But my kids..."

"Dr. Thomas will take care of them. And besides, they look a little bit preoccupied right now."

I looked at my kids and they are indeed busy with the stuff toys Nikolai brought.

Nikolai walks out of the room while still carrying me. Yuri gathered the gifts brought for me by my Nikolai.

As we pass by the door, Dr. Thomas and Lilly are already standing and waiting for Nikolai.

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