99. No Foolproof Plan

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The moment Draven calls to inform us that Lore woke up, I'm on my way to the hospital. Cyan remained at the estate with Arline to keep an eye on the children and distract them. Arline didn't want to lie to them, so she admitted that Lore had to see the doctor and would be home very soon. We spent the night with the children in the schoolhouse, making a giant sleeping area so everyone felt safe and secure. Through the night, I wanted nothing more than to see Lore, hoping that him waking a day after his surgery means that he's on the road to a fast recovery.

At the hospital, Draven waits outside Lore's room. He called after Lore's surgery yesterday to inform us that it went well. The doctors aren't concerned and think Lore will be out of here in a few days thanks to the natural healing abilities of a dhampir. I wish their words gave me comfort, but I don't know if anything other than seeing Lore myself will do that.

Draven steps away when I open the door. Lore sits up in bed, a few tubes attached to his arms. Strips of gauze are wrapped around his head and his bones have been set right. His arm rests in a sling and his leg slightly perched. They didn't bother with a cast. They rarely do with vampires or dhampir and, honestly, it helps me take a very needed breath. I feel as if I've been incapable of breathing since the attack, but now that Lore smiles at me I can breathe again.

"How are you feeling?" I ask, hurrying to his bedside. The moment he raises his hand, I bring his knuckles to my lips. He chuckles and rubs my cheek, then cradles my neck to tug me forward for a quick kiss and maybe two more.

"Sore and tired, but quite well considering what happened," he replies, releasing a low groan when he leans back against the pillows. I adjust the pillows for him until he claims that he's comfortable enough.

"How is everyone doing? Draven told me the children are alright, but they must be scared. I'd much rather be with them than here," he says, taking my hand when I sit back by his side.

"Arline and Cyan are with them. We decided to have a giant sleepover in the schoolhouse. The second floor didn't take much damage, but we all felt it's better to stay clear of the debris until we know everything is stable," I explain, watching Lore's lips set into a thin line. "The doctors think you won't be here long. You'll be home in no time."

"Let's hope so. There's much to do." Lore's teeth grind behind his lips. His hand grows tense in mine. I understand the frustration, the desire to get moving and pay them back tenfold.

I head to the door, double checking that no one is outside. Then I cast a spell to shield our room from any unwanted listeners, also double checking that there are no devices or spells inside to catch what we have to say. When I sit back down, I tell Lore what I fear, "Cyan and I found shrapnel that makes us believe the monarchy was behind this. They kidnapped the family of a butler, forcing him to plant the device. It's not advanced enough to be from Vexsis and wasn't enchanted, so the monarchy makes the most sense. I fear what provoked them was what Olere and I have been doing. I worry that Olere is in trouble."

Lore gives this a moment of thought, gaze drifting to the floor then back to me. "And you can't risk calling Trinia to see if he returned safely."

"No, someone would certainly listen."

"If Olere has been discovered, or at the very least suspected, then we can't sit idly by. They have made their move and we must make ours. The transporter lies beneath my personal fireplace under a spell you can certainly break. I've already coded the transporter to respond to your presence. Retrieve it. It's already set to take you to the Red Moon hideout. Speak with Ristain, inform him of what has happened, and ask about Olere."

"Wouldn't they have told us if we were in trouble?"

"Not if they weren't aware that he was." Lore tugs on my hand in a silent request. I lean forward for a kiss, resting our foreheads together when he says, "You should take Draven with you."

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