72. Can't I Be Worried?

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Seren P.O.V.

Another boring day at the factory where I spent most of the time avoiding Lore's many attempts to hold my hand, which I know he was doing to tease me, finally comes to an end. But when we arrive at Lore's estate, Draven waits in the foyer donning an unusually upset frown.

"Your Grace, Sir Trolley is here to see you," he says, causing Lore to tense. "He has a message from His Majesty and wishes to speak to you himself."

"So be it." Lore follows Draven towards the lounge. He gestures for me to follow. Draven leaves once we enter the room. A vampire waits alone on the couch. His eerie smile twitches when I enter the room. I almost expect his expression to shatter, revealing whatever foul feelings are beneath, but the messenger of a king likely has to be very skilled at keeping their composure.

"Lord Seymour," Trolley says. He rises from the couch to extend his hand for Lore to shake. "I hope you've been enjoying your stay here in Vexsis and that things are moving swimmingly at your factory."

"My work is moving along as I had hoped and we should be returning to earth by the end of the week, if things keep up. So," Lore takes a seat in one of the chairs. "What are you here to discuss?"

Trolley's gaze drifts to me. He hesitates, eying me skeptically when I take a seat in the chair opposite from Lore. If I sat on the couch with Trolly, his head may explode and our chaperones would probably assume I used a spell to kill him. Better to keep my distance.

Clearing his throat, Trolley says, "His Majesty has invited you and the paladin of the Holy Church to Blue Wing Manor for a dinner party tomorrow night."


I glance at Lore, who keeps a composed expression. He forces a cordial smile. "An invitation from the king's messenger, how flattering, although I must admit that I'm surprised to hear Seren has been invited."

Why am I almost offended by that?

"It isn't everyday that members of the Holy Church visit Vexsis. His Majesty wishes to show that we are welcoming," Trolly replies with such a joyous tone that I almost believe him. I'm surprised when he shifts his attention to me. "Our guests tomorrow night would be thrilled to see magic from the true source. Many have never seen it in person and there are so many tall tales. Your appearance would be appreciated."

So I'm a show pony? The question almost slips out of my mouth, but I bite it back.

"I suppose it couldn't do any harm to go," I say, checking on Lore, who gives no sign that I'm saying the wrong thing.

"Splendid." Trolley rises and claps his hands. "A car will be sent for the both of you at eight. And I must remind you, Lord Seymour, that your butler may not attend. This is a private event."

Lore nods. "Of course. We appreciate the invitation."

I don't know how they can keep up this back and forth. It's exhausting just listening.

Lore calls for Draven, who returns with Trolley's coat. I don't see why he needs one. It's a warm day, but whatever, much be a rich person thing. Lore walks Trolley to the door. I follow behind because I think that's what I'm meant to do. Draven waits patiently, holding the door open as Lore and Trolley exchange a few pleasantries, then the vampire leaves.

"You will be alone with Cyan tomorrow evening as Seren and I attend a party at Blue Wing Manor," Lore says to Draven, who actually gapes.

"They invited Seren?" He glances at me, and I swear there's concern in his eyes.

"Yes, you and Cyan cannot attend though. Do me a favor and inform him for me?"

Draven's lips form a thin line. "As you wish, Your Grace."

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