46. Crushing Weight

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Even after playing games with the kids most of the day, I struggle to sleep come evening. Tossing and turning in bed from my overheated skin that even an open window and cool breeze can't fix. I lay awake for hours staring at the emerald canopy that reminds me of the thicket. Memories filter in, each more potent than the last. Lore leaning over me. The scent of his shampoo. His breath against my neck. My hands on his hips. His body against mine.

I throw myself out of bed long before dawn to take a run, then a jog, another run, and a freezing cold bath. None of which my body appreciates based on how sore it is when the sun finally does rise.

My eyelids weigh more than drenched robes, wishing for nothing more than to shut and send me to a land of nightmares. How I manage to stay awake through breakfast is beyond me. I poke at my food, smiling at the kids when they speak to me while pretending Lore doesn't exist. The mere sound of his voice forms goosebumps across my nape. I try to rub them away like they're dirt staining my skin.

At the end of breakfast, a butler arrives to retrieve our plates. I'm eager to escape into town under the guise of my research into the Red Moon group, but Lore abruptly calls to see me and Cyan in his office.

"Follow me for a moment," he says, tossling Hyun Woo's hair when he walks by. The boy giggles and swats at Lore's hand, then runs after Nalo towards the school house.

Cyan eyes me suspiciously. We walk side by side through the halls behind Lore. Sticking his nose in the air, Cyan takes two long steps ahead of me. I roll my eyes and let him keep ahead. It's starting to seem like Lore has nine kids instead of eight. Although, I guess technically Cyan is his kid. My mind is very tired right now.

Draven's already in Lore's office when we arrive. For once, he shows the briefest signs of an emotion other than discontent or annoyance. Dare I say it, a worried expression consumes his features, and that concern most certainly is pointed at Cyan. Whether Cyan notices the miniscule reaction is questionable. He doesn't give a reaction because he's fixated on following Lore like a lost puppy.

"I've received news concerning our passage to Vexsis," Lore declares. He stands behind his desk, resting a hand on a few papers. "The four of us will be departing in five days."

Cyan grins like he won the lottery. Maybe I would have been too had this situation not taken such a drastic turn in the last few days. Sweat forms on my brow. My muscles tense until they ache.

"I don't typically condone groups visiting Vexsis, however, this is a more than special case." Lore offers a phony smile. "Seren decided to make this more difficult by tagging along."

I guffaw. "You should have said no to me joining you if it's such trouble."

"If that's the case, wouldn't it be better to bring Arline?" Draven speaks up, turning all our attention to him. Cyan especially; his glare is downright combustive. I'm beginning to think he was some kind of explosive expert in his past life or perhaps a pyromaniac.

"Seren's a paladin of the Holy Church and Cyan's a mage who--" Draven hesitates. "His blood is considered a delicacy."

"The vampires want to eat me?" Cyan chortles. "Let them try."

"Vexsis is filled with vampires and their Warlords. Even your abilities can't protect you forever."

"If you hate the thought of me going so bad, just say it."

"My decision isn't up for debate," Lore interjects sternly. It's impressive how swiftly he silences Draven and Cyan. They freeze like, well, like children who know better than to talk back, although Cyan simmers at a boiling point that's simply waiting to burn Draven to a crisp.

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