81. Through the Gates

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"Is there a reason we're having this meeting without His Grace?" Cyan asks from where he's seated on a couch in the library. He grabs a book laying on the coffee table to point the spine at me. "And that reason better be good because I will happily strut my short ass out of here."

I grin. "So you're fine discussing how short you are?"

"Discussing? No. Stating specifically from me? Yes. If you say it, I will shove this book so far up your ass that you'll word vomit it out."

"Noted." And a mental image I could have lived without.

Draven sits on the opposite end of the couch of Cyan, one leg perched elegantly over the other and arms crossed. His expression states that he will not strut out of here, but he will leave if I do not confess why I brought them both here after a very awkwardly silent dinner.

"Today, I witnessed a vampire beating a human man. When I saw that man's face, I realized that I recognized him." I glance at Cyan, who sits a little straighter. "He was at the orphanage in Trinia, a few years younger than me, and very openly condemned the church. Unfortunately, I wasn't able to speak to him, but I know what I saw."

"And what does His Grace have to say about this?" Draven asks the dreaded question. At least it's easier to hear His Grace rather than his name. Sitting by Lore at dinner made my teeth grind.

"He thinks because I was upset that I was seeing things, but that's only because he's hiding something and I'm going to discuss what that something is with the two of you." I press my foot against the coffee table and lean towards them. "It isn't a coincidence that there's someone here who condemned the church."

"I don't know. People get kidnapped by vampires and taken to Vexsis more frequently than you would think," Cyan argues, although the shuffling of his feet informs me that he's interested enough to talk. "What if it is a coincidence and he was just some poor sap grabbed on the street?"

"That's the problem. The church claims to send children somewhere safe to deal with their trauma and live peaceful lives. They should have done that for him, so why is he a walking blood meal in Vexsis?"

"Because even the church cannot keep their eyes on everyone," Draven says, sighing. "He would have been sent to another orphanage, but his life afterwards is his own. Do you honestly believe the church kept their eyes on him? He could have gotten involved with the wrong crowd and was illegally captured by vampires. The blood trade is vast, especially for mages. I wouldn't be surprised if there are hunters out there searching specifically for children leaving Trinia."

I stare at Draven long enough for him to ask, "What?"

"I think that is the most I've ever heard you speak."

He rolls his eyes.

"I've already considered exactly what you said and that is where my concern lies. The church isn't watching over these people, ensuring that they are safe. No doubt they would know if there are hunters searching for them."

"And that wouldn't make them want to stop the bastards," Cyan says. "If anything, the church would be grateful that the vampires have gotten the job done for them. Took care of the kid, like the church claimed they would, then don't have to worry about them growing up to start shit with them because the vampires drain them dry. It's a win-win situation for the church."

My stomach churns because that's what I was thinking. I don't want to believe it, even now. Realizing the church mistreated me is one thing. Realizing that they may be sending children to their death is another. And I would no longer put it past them.

"I wish to speak to Olere about this," I admit, causing even Draven to gape at me like I've gone mad.

Cyan has the guts to say it. "You're one fucking bonkers biscuit," he says, laughing. "You want to talk to a champion about how they're possibly letting vampires suck the life out of kids? Rest in pieces, mad lad."

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