95. Into the Fold

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Sighing, Lore takes a seat on the bed. He stares at the floor as I further explain my reasoning, "Leaving Arline and Cyan in the dark when we may potentially set ourselves up to be attacked does more harm than good, doesn't it? I still don't understand why you've never told them."

"I planned to tell Cyan. He has proven that he can handle himself and, out of everyone, I also feel he has the right to know the truth," Lore admits. "However, I worried Draven would not be able to handle Cyan's involvement. He'd become preoccupied with protecting Cyan and thus more likely to put himself in harm's way for that very reason."

I suppose I can see where he's coming from there.

"Arline, it's a bit more complicated with her," he adds, running his hand through his hair. "Let's just say she would not agree with me working alongside the Red Moon."

Because she has some ties with them somehow. I know Arline was also adopted, or at least fostered by Lore based on the wall of plaques I saw in the school house. Her name was up there, but I don't know how old she was when she arrived, where she's from, or what her life was like before coming here. Out of everyone, she's the person I know the least.

"She's happiest here, and frankly a back up plan. If anything were to happen to me, if the children needed protecting, then Arline is here to do that," he finishes.

Taking a seat beside him, I grasp his hand. "Yes, and that is why she needs to be as prepared as possible. Both of them do. We're too far into this to risk being taken off guard."

Lore hesitates, continuing to ponder this dilemma. It makes me think of before; how he was so adamant that his children will live happily. Though Draven, Arline, and Cyan are grown, it doesn't change the promise Lore likely made to himself. He worries about all of them and maybe that's holding him back more than he realizes.

"They're not children anymore, Lore. Far from it," I say, noting the tension in his shoulders. "Arline and Cyan can fend for themselves. Draven may be uncomfortable, but he has to also realize what is best for us. And yes, we must also warn Cyan and Arline; let them choose if they want to be a part of this fight."

When Lore doesn't respond, I rest my head on his shoulder. He glances at me, eyes dark and distant, lost in thought. This isn't easy for him. None of this has ever been, even after all that he has done. It's not easy for me either. Though I've trained, I've taken lives before, this is bigger than all of us. This is risking everything.

"You don't need to make your decision tonight. Think about it and we can talk more tomorrow, if you want," I suggest, placing a quick kiss on his cheek. "It's late anyway. We should get some sleep."

Nodding, Lore gets up to head for the bathroom. He hesitates in the doorway, giving me a curious stare. "Are you joining me?"

I smile. "I suppose I should. It'd be a waste of water otherwise."

Lore chuckles, taking my hand when I grow close to tug me along behind him.

I know Lore doesn't get much sleep that night. He accidentally wakes me a few times from tossing and turning. I try to ease his discomfort by curling my arms around his waist, holding him flush against me. He stops squirming so much, but I hear him sigh or hum every now and again. Sometime in the night, someone knocks at our door. We didn't unlock it after we returned, though I suppose that's a good thing considering I'm half asleep watching Lore hurry out of bed to greet one of the children before they realize he isn't alone in here.

"Papa, I had a nightmare," Oliver says between sniffles. "I wanna sleep here with you."

"How about we sleep in your room?" Lore suggests.

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