77. A New Foundation

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I slept better than I ever have. No doubt being caused by who I wake up to. Lore sleeps comfortably beside me. Our legs are entangled beneath the blankets, bodies pressed firmly together. His arm rests over my waist. Mine lay between us. My fingers strain themselves not to gently rub the bare skin of his chest. I don't want to wake him. Our foreheads brush from sharing the same pillow. The blanket is warm, but I dare not move. His hair tickles my nose, then his fingers twitch. He grasps my waist, humming as he presses closer to me. I bite back a chuckle, and a sneeze because now his hair's in my face.

Don't sneeze. Don't sneeze. Don't--

I barely hold back the sneeze, but it wakes Lore anyway. His wide blue eyes flutter open, distant at first, like he's confused to find me here. Then he smiles.

"Good morning," he whispers, voice raspy and deep, which is incredibly hot.

"Morning." I brush the hair out of his face, tucking it behind his ear.

Half asleep, Lore hums, "How did you sleep?"

"Better than I thought I would."

"So did I." He rubs my back. "I wouldn't mind if we made this our new morning routine."

"Me neither."

Lore holds me tight. I snuggle into his neck, kissing the skin that breaks out with goosebumps. I've rarely had functioning relationships due to the church. Always coming and going, traveling to other cities, looking over my shoulder for the next attack and having a life that was never worth discussing. Others found the tales of my life frightening or unsettling. I'd meet a guy and things would be great at first, then the relationship would come to a crashing halt when I left town for a month, then another and another. Eventually, they got fed up with me. Or we'd sit at the dinner table where he'd tell me about his day, his interests, and I'd have nothing to say. I never really had interests. I never had a life outside the Holy Church, but now I can. Being like this with Lore can become my normal. The thought makes my heart race and ache all at once. Well, as normal as we can be.

A dhampir and a paladin. Even if I renounce my title, it doesn't change what I've done.

Oh Mother's, what of the children? When we return, if we act like... like a couple, what will they say? What will they think? I don't want to make them feel uncomfortable or strange or--damn it--I don't know.

"Breakfast should be ready soon," Lore says, bringing my attention back to him. He glances over his shoulder at the sunlight coming through the window. Sitting up, Lore stretches his arms high above his head. My gaze strays to his chest, admiring the body I've come to know but continue wishing to learn even more about. My attention doesn't go unnoticed. Smiling, Lore leans in to kiss my neck, whispering against my heated skin, "We should hold off on round three until after breakfast."

"Aren't you going to the factory today?" I ask rather than think about round three otherwise we won't make it to breakfast.

"Avoiding the topic? And here I thought you meant it when you said we were going to make up for missed opportunities."

"I never said we wouldn't, but if you want to wait until after breakfast then I suggest we do avoid the topic." I surprise myself by making Lore successfully blush. Seems that he likes flirtatious Seren but hasn't gotten used to him yet. It's not like I don't or can't flirt, but with Lore it has always been different. I don't want it to be anymore and that's going to take some time for the both of us, I think.

Clearing his throat, Lore disappears into the bathroom. "Are you still planning to stay here while I'm gone?"

"Yeah. That'd be for the best." Rising from the bed, I follow Lore into the bathroom. He hesitates at the sink. He has realized we're in my room. His toothbrush isn't here, if that's what he was going for.

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