63. Being Obvious

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Much to my surprise, Lore doesn't press about my abrupt hugging. I'd like to think it's because he has the capability to understand that it's a matter I am not ready to discuss. But honestly, he's probably going to hold this incident against me to use at a later date. There is nothing more Lore than that.

He doesn't bring up the hug for the rest of the evening or the following day either. I'm able to visit Trinia again where I say hello to the trainees. Their eager expressions once brought me joy. I thought it to be an honor to receive their attention, to be told that they admire me, but now I wish they wouldn't. That they weren't here, that they were far away. But I force a smile because I can't help myself, let alone them. And I don't know what I want for myself, so I can't imagine what to tell them.

I also manage to ask around about Jakoby. A priestess informs me that he did arrive early, although she doesn't recall the church ever requesting anyone to arrive early for training. Perhaps I was misinformed? Regardless, he is no longer at Trinia or in the capital. He, along with some other priests in training, are traveling the countryside. I'll have to stop again once we return from Vexsis to see if he has returned.

Finally, the morning to take the airship to Vexsis arrives. Most of it goes by too quickly to recall. I remember waking up, eating breakfast but not tasting a bit of it, then we're standing in front of the airship station.

I thought Nosa's station was bad, but Rhamie's is even worse. People hurry past one another in a rush. Steam billows from the iron pipes, casting a heavy fog overhead. One woman stomps right past a whistling pipe threatening to burst without a care. She has a destination set in her mind and not even the threat of explosive heat in her face can stop her.

Then we arrive at the platform to gaze upon airships I've only seen from afar. Unlike airships created by mortals, the pure artistry of vampire technology is indescribable. The airship hovers without whirling propellers that kick up debris and noise. They're completely silent with sheen silver sides that reflect the surroundings. In the sky, they're perfectly camouflage. But if you look at one from above, you'd see the overgrowth of trees and vines interwoven into the metal sheets as if the two have always been one in the same. A priest from Trinia once told me that vampire airships are actually fueled by the trees and running water onboard, but I couldn't possibly comprehend how. This, of itself, feels like magic.

Cyan shatters the moment with a quick question; "Suppose they would let me tear the airship apart?"

"Absolutely not," Lore answers.

Cyan whines. I've never seen someone fall in love at first sight until today. There may actually be hearts in Cyan's eyes. He's actually a little wobbly. Draven has to keep a firm grip on the sleeve of Cyan's jacket to keep the mad scientist from bolting in a desperate attempt to get his hands on the wiring of our ship. Cyan gazes upon the technology like a new found lover whom he wishes to dance with under the starlight. Draven might end up getting a bit jealous of a piece of machinery.

A bell chimes signaling we may board. The crowd surges forward. Cyan walks behind Lore and me with Draven at the back, keeping a watchful eye on any who dare get too close to Cyan. Maybe Cyan would be blushing about that if he weren't so transfixed on the airship. I think a bit of drool leaks out of his parted lips.

"Don't let the beauty fool you," Lore whispers. He has leaned towards me so his breath tickles my cheek. "There are many enemies within and even more waiting for us in Vexsis."

"I am well aware. You've reminded me at least a dozen times now." And that's only counting today. Lore has repeated the threat as if he believes it would ward off evil. I'm of the belief that it'd merely cause that threat to come to life.

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