69. Deserved It

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Seren P.O.V.

The nellore factory is about an hour drive out of the city, although I do not know how far we went. These cars drive much faster. The capital can't be seen in the distance by the time we reach the factory. With technology from Vexsis, this looks less like a mining operation and more like a mechanical manufacturing facility. I follow Lore around like a lost puppy, befuddled by the world around me. We spend the day there conducting interviews--well, Lore interviews and I sipped on some tea and ate cookies--before heading back to the capital around dusk.

"How long do you suppose it will take to discover who has been robbing you?" I ask on the car ride back. I'm not sure if Lore will answer with our guards listening in.

"I'm hoping for no more than a week," he replies. "But we'll see."

The remainder of the ride is silent, although the harsh glares from the vampires certainly say more than they let on. I'm relieved to reach Lore's residence in an upscale neighborhood of townhouses. Two guards already wait past the front gates, but outside the doors, when we arrive. The ones we met back at the station. I imagine they'll be switched out in the evenings. They sneer at me when I walk by, and I might shut the door harder behind me because of that. Lore offers a grin over his shoulder.

"Your Grace," Draven calls, having already appeared at the top of the stairs. Does he have a freaky sixth sense to tell when Lore arrives? Maybe he was listening for footsteps all this time or he has a terrible trait that makes footsteps very loud, although I doubt it considering his orange eyes.

"Draven, I trust that you and Cyan got here without incident," Lore says, searching the stairs for Cyan, who appears a few moments later on our right. White powder circles his mouth. He takes another bite of the doughnut in his grasp.

"The guards were annoying, but not any trouble," Cyan explains, making sure to keep himself slightly hidden from Draven.

I bite back a smirk. Doesn't want his crush to see him messily eating? That's a little cute.

"Was there any trouble here?" Lore asks.

Draven descends the stairs while speaking of the wiretaps and where they were discovered. I heard Morren Valyork was paranoid, but to wiretap the home of an aristocrat from earth who would certainly discover it, that's entirely unexpected. Lore doesn't appear to mind and assures me that this won't be a problem. It's better than last time, which apparently was full blown cameras.

"Remove them, Draven. If Valyork wishes to start something, he'll find a way to do so by whatever means necessary. At least this way we have some privacy." Lore leans towards me to whisper, "Which means you may join me in my room without worry whenever you wish."

"And this is my cue to leave," I say, shoving my palm against Lore's chin to push him back. His childish chuckle fades as I explore the estate. Lore shouts something about dinner soon, but I'm not that hungry. In fact, my stomach is a tad upset. Another problem Lore said might arise in Vexsis.

The townhouse pales compared to Seymour estate, although that doesn't mean it isn't as high class as high class can be. The bottom floor consists of group areas such as the kitchen, dining room, office, and lounge; each one as glorious as the last. I was thinking maybe there'd be more here about Lore, particularly the Seymour family, but that's a silly thought. I don't even think the Seymour's ever came to Vexsis.

Our rooms are upstairs, along with another lounge. I try not to think of the wiretap when I step into my room. Draven will remove it later. The room's smaller than the one at the Seymour estate, but equally as charming. Lore's room is next door. I peek inside, wondering again if there's something to tell me more about him. His room isn't much different than my own, clearly a place he merely rests in then leaves. I pretend not to be disappointed when shutting the door.

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