1. Lord Seymour

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Seymour Manor rests at the end of a long path far from the hustle and bustle of city life. The chimneys and peaks of the home appear over the tops of the trees first. Then through the forest, I get the first glimpse of the estate. A venerable home of old money based on the gothic architecture and brick styling that lacks the metal sheets and piping found so frequently within the cities. Beautiful in it's simplicity, surrounded by a thick forest and lush green grass rather than gray smog, clinking gears, and over stacked buildings.

Laughter of children garners my attention. To the left, four kids frolick among the trees. Two dangle from a branch, kicking at each other to see who falls first. The remaining two giggle and squeal as they run from a woman through the yard. A woman that I soon realize to be a monster.

She, too, takes notice of me. Coming to a halt, she stares at me with pink eyes that shimmer brightly against her brown skin. She calls to the children, though her voice doesn't quite reach me. Ushering the children to her, she guides them towards the estate while continuously glancing over her shoulder like I'm the beast in this scenario.

I was told of the children--I believe there's four more--and how Lord Seymour had another dhampir working at the estate. However, I'm still baffled that he allows her to keep watch over the children alone. The wolf should not be welcome to play among the sheep.

Sighing, I clutch my luggage tighter and continue to the manor. A stone ramp built to the side of the steps leads to the tall front door. After a few knocks, the wooden door opens to reveal yet another monstrosity; a vampire.

My initial instinct is to reach for the axe strapped to my back, to defend myself or relieve him of his head, but that is not why I'm here. Although the option isn't entirely off the table, depending on what circumstances may arise in the future.

"Good afternoon, Sir. Are you the Paladin of the Holy Church? Seten, was it?" The vampire with hair red as blood dons a polite smile that even a fool would see to be fake. No doubt he isn't putting in the effort to try otherwise.

"Seren, actually, and yes, I am. You must be Draven." I offer up my hand that he's as unwilling to shake as I am to offer.

"Yes, I am Draven Morrow, the head butler of this fine estate." His orange eyes look unnatural against his pale skin, but I know they're a sign that he is not one to be taken lightly. He shows little fear towards me either, holding himself high with the unnatural height pure blooded vampires possess. Once their appearance alone made my knees shake. Now, I know I can take them head on and never lose anything to them again.

"You've had a long journey from the capital. Please, come inside," Draven says. He steps aside to allow me entrance, although I suspect he'd much rather run me through with the talons on the tip of his fingers.

An immaculate foyer greets me, as expected. Marbled floors shimmer against the afternoon sun cascading through the windows. A double staircase leads to the second floor, one side contains a chair lift. Above the room, a diamond chandelier rests smack dab in the center, casting shapes of snowflakes across pale yellow walls.

"Do you not have other luggage?" Draven inquires from the open doorway while observing the empty path behind us.

"Those of faith have little need for material possessions. The Three Mothers will always provide," I reply.

"I suppose so." Draven gestures to the right. "Your room is this way."

"I'd rather meet with Lord Seymour first. Is he home?" There were two cars out front, but one never knows how many vehicles a Lord wishes to waste his money on. I've heard from the Prophet that the king has nearly two dozen vehicles. Almost one for every day of the month.

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