3. The Seymour Family

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Seymour Manor takes the shape of a square with a cutout in the center. Lore explained that the worker's quarters are on the left side of the mansion, although only three live fulltime on the estate. The worker's quarters are used mostly during winter storms so employees don't have to face the cold, or as storage closets. The front of the mansion has a second floor where the bedrooms preside. The right leads to a schoolhouse that has a handful of classrooms, playrooms, and a small medical center.

"Where are the children? I saw them playing outside earlier when I arrived," I ask.

A wave of worry washes over me after realizing I haven't heard their laughter nor seen them since my arrival. Could the dhampir have harmed them? Would she have when Lore is so near? A part of me knows I'm overreacting while another reminds me that overreaction is better than none at all when it comes to vampires.

I'm a moment away from gripping my axe to search for the children and protect them when Lore replies, "Considering the time, they are likely in the music room."

Lore leads us out of the school house to the courtyard at the center of the estate. I've known most nobles to show off a courtyard of exquisite flowers, fountains, or ridiculously overpriced toys like breathing mechanical dragons, but Lore's belongs to the children. There is a fountain that's likely made from one of the finest craftsmen of the kingdom, but you can't tell thanks to the rubber duckies and childish drawings across the stone. Admittedly, I prefer this fountain over the others I've seen. There's so much more personality and an entire story told in a single glance.

Toys litter the yard along with playsets, swings, a sandbox, and an impressive garden filled with vegetables and two very full apple trees. I jump in surprise when a violent squeak originates beneath my foot. It seems I have stepped on an unfortunate squeaking dog that now stares up at me in betrayal. Lore laughs and continues on, expertly dodging the toys while I carefully tiptoe around them. Who would have thought children's toys would be more difficult to avoid than a vampire's attack?

At the back of the manor, connected to the main house by an open walkway, is the music hall. The sounds of a piano grace my ears. Glass makes up half the walls of the music hall, allowing us to view the woman I saw earlier instructing a boy on how to play. Lore opens the doors quietly, gesturing for me to follow him inside. He watches the boy play proudly. I can't decide if it's an act or not.

Observing the hall, I notice the other three children from earlier coloring quietly in the corner. There are a few doors along the opposite wall likely leading to private training areas. The boy finishes the musical piece with a flourish. The woman claps excitedly while the boy sways side to side.

"Well done, Nalo," the woman exclaims. "I told you, give yourself another week and you'd be a master. Now... it's time to move onto the next song."

"Arline!" Nalo whines but laughter slips from his lips. "I barely managed to play this one. You think I'm better than I actually am."

"Nonsense," Lore speaks up, causing Nalo and the three younger children to spin his way.

"Papa!" They cry and race to Lore, who gets on his knees to embrace them. Their faces light up like they've been offered their favorite candy. Even Lore shows a sweet smile that may be the most genuine of any expression I've seen from him today, or he's a frightfully good actor.

Lore pats their heads one by one, then grabs Nalo by the chin to say, "Don't put yourself down. You've performed wonderfully and I'm excited to hear whatever you play next, Nalo."

"I'll do my best to play you something really pretty, Papa." Nalo giggles when Lore kisses his temple.

Lore holds the smallest child in his arm, who eagerly plays with Lore's braid, which quickly turns it into a knotted mess. Lore doesn't pay it any mind as he stands and gestures at the dhampir.

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