Chapter 8 - The Boy

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▂▃▅▇█▓▒░ Grace
(TW/ violence, descriptions of blood)

A few days have passed since kenzi whacked me good over the head and sent me spinning for a bit. I don't quite know what was going on but for a solid 2 days I was much more sensitive to my usual upsets like lighting, as well as weirder things like smells and tastes seemed a lot stronger. I kept having these intensely strong headaches every few hours but I did my best not to mention much of them whenever Kenzi came to check up on me or bring me stuff. She's seemed pre-occupied with something recently so I didn't want to be a burden.
I can't explain my strange symptoms and apparently neither can either of the 2 doctors they have here in the community. Thankfully, when I awoke on the third day I was able to bear the light with my usual shades on and my senses were normal. I thought that this finally meant I was fit enough to get back to learning the ropes here, but Chester insisted that I took another day of rest after we spoke last night.

So here we are... A day of freedom I suppose.

I'm excited that I can escape this tiny prison of a room without the crippling pain now, even if it's just to go a light wander or something. Don't get me wrong, I'm grateful for the small dwelling. In those first couple of days the headaches got so intense that I didn't have much time to let my mind wander to things beyond my dark little room... but being stuck here alone most of the time, left with just my unwavering stream of thoughts, has been driving me insane.

"Knock, knock..." Kenzi sang as she entered the room with a smile "Ready to get back into action rookie?"

"Rookie? I've been trained in everything from combat to scavenging since I was 12, dude! I'm not new to this shit" I scoffed as I stood from the bed confidently, already dressed from earlier this morning and eager to leave.

She rolled her eyes and opened the door wide with a smile, stepping aside to motion me out first. I grabbed my things and left, unable to contain the excitement from stretching across my face at the sight of the familiar dull and dusty corridor.

"So, I want to tell you something before you find out about it elsewhere..." She said hesitantly as we exited the building into the main courtyard.

"Okay?" I replied, allowing my smile to falter slightly.

"Alright... On the way back from getting your food the other day, I overheard Erica and another guard plotting some sort of revenge against you for what your people did" She stated seriously, causing my eyes to widen in response to the statement .

"What!? I mean, I expected it at some point but shit... this quickly? Am I seriously hated that much?" I asked in shock.

"I stopped it before it seems to have came to anything and the both of them are being punished, as well as relieved from their duties" She affirmed "We can't have people like that in a place of power around here"

I nodded and continued to follow her in silence for now, unsure of what to say since the natural high from my recovery has been crushed by the - not so gentle - reminder that I don't belong here.

"Hey" Kenzi said in order to capture my attention just before we reached the gate "You're not hated... Erica hasn't been the same since what happened with your people. She's unhinged to say the least right now. We all dealt with our shit differently, but I think most people here are open to your presence"

Your people.
I know the fact is true, and she means nothing by saying it... but I can't stop the sting that I feel when I'm grouped as one of those monsters.

"Yeah, thanks Kenzi..." I replied with an attempt at a smile, hoping that she doesn't believe I'm capable of what those people did.

We exited the gates of The Zoo whilst Kenzi informed me of our instructions for today. Its going to be both physically and mentally exhausting, to say the least.

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