Chapter 149

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In the evening, when Lisa came home from work, he pushed the door open and saw that Jennie was commanding Luca to take pictures of herself.

“My fans want to see my full-length photograph. I’m going to post some photos to give back,” Jennie said to Lisa.

It occurred to Lisa that she didn’t even have an agent now. It was a little too much for her to be oppressed by YG Entertainment Company. When she was asked to apologize before, YG Entertainment Company had a tough attitude. Now that Taehyung was defeated, the YG Entertainment Company secretly deleted the apology it had made on behalf of Jennie. Except that, the company didn’t intend to give her an explanation at all.

“Let me help you.” Lisa took the phone from Luca’s hand.

Luca was tired of photographing, so he handed the phone to his daddy. “Take a good picture of Jen Jen!”

“Of course. After all, Jen Jen is so beautiful.” Lisa patted him on the head.

‘The father and son are so sweet. Why didn’t Leo learn how to say sweet words?’ Jennie wondered.

Lisa helped Jennie take the photos.

In the video, Jennie’s every move and smile were very attractive. Her features were elegant and beautiful, making people feel addictive.

Lisa pressed the shooting button and recorded her beauty into his phone, but the machine didn’t record one-thousandth of her beauty.

After that, he handed the phone to Jennie.

Looking through the photos, Jennie sighed, “Lisa, you are really good at photographing. You’re really good at it. I look so beautiful. It doesn’t look like me anymore.”

Because of love, he tried his best to take every photo. A faint smile appeared on Lisa’s lips.

Luca pulled Jennie’s sleeve and pointed at his own nose, “And me, and me!”

“My Luca is also good at photographing. The photos took by you were also very beautiful,” Jennie praised.

Satisfied, Luca went to the sofa to eat fruit.

Jennie selected a few photos and posted them on Weibo.

She seldom took selfies, but after this incident, she still had to comfort her fans.

She had a lot of fans and was popular now. As soon as she posted the photos, many people responded.

“Today is another day to be obsessed with Jennie’s beauty!”

“I’m so happy. When I see the group photos of RJ and Jennie, I feel happy. When I see Jennie’s single photos, I feel happy too!”

“Look, that’s a gift! Jennie and RJ are the real couple! There is a reflection in Jennie’s eyes! The person in her eyes looks extremely similar to RJ!”

“I saw it too. I compared the person in Jennie’s eyes with the photo of RJ. I’m sure that the photo was taken by RJ. They are the real couple!”

“Yes! They are the real couple!”

“They sent a gift to me. I want some insulin. Because they look so sweet.”

Jennie quickly enlarged her photos and saw one of them. There was indeed a reflection in the bottom of her eyes, but it was obvious that the reflection was Lisa’s figure, not RJ’s.

“Lisa, you are mistaken as me in men’s suits. Come here and have a look.” Since the reflection was not very clear, Jennie was happy to see others have a discussion and would not delete this photo.

Lisa sat down and took her phone. He saw the comments and the words people said he was RJ.

He was satisfied with the following comments.

He thought these netizens had a good taste.

With a bright smile on her face, Jennie said, “These netizens are quite observant. They could notice that I learnt from you from the smallest detail.”

“You learnt from me?” Lisa looked up at her.

It turned out that his girl had learned from him. With this understanding, the joy at the corners of Lisa’s eyes and brows could no longer be covered.

Seeing that he didn’t respond, Jennie turned her head to look at him.

Coincidentally, Lisa also turned his head to look at Jennie carefully. The two faces and lips bumped into each other.

Jennie was stunned.

Obviously, Lisa enjoyed this moment and closed his eyes.

The atmosphere was so good that Jennie wanted to keep this moment.

“Jen Jen, what are you eating?” Luca held the fruits and looked at them curiously.

Jennie stood up in a hurry, and then Lisa coughed awkwardly. He forgot the existence of Lucs. Just now, the scene was so wonderful that it was intoxicating.

“Where is my phone? Where is my phone?” Jennie was even more embarrassed than Lisa. She would never allow herself to fall in love with him, nor would she allow him to fall in love with her. How could she make such a mistake?

“It’s in your right hand,” Lisa reminded her in a low voice.

“Oh, I see. I’ll make a phone call.” She ran into her room, lay prone on the bed, rubbed her face and patted it again. “Jennie-yah, what are you doing? Why do you think he is so handsome and powerful? Why did you say those words to him? You almost made a mistake!”

A suspicious blush flashed across Lisa’s face. He picked up the pillow that Jennie had just held and stuffed it into his arms, as if he was holding Jennie. If Luca hadn’t appeared, he could have hugged her.

Lisa cast a resentful glance at the little boy.

Seeing that they didn’t eat anything, Luca was a little disappointed.

He picked up his fruit plate again and felt the coldness on his back. He remembered that Jen Jen once said that he should put more clothes on when the weather was cold, in case he caught a cold. So he obediently picked up his vest and carefully put it on.

Jennie quickly changed her clothes, came out with her bag and said, “I have an appointment with my friend for dinner. I’m going out first.”

There was no appointment at all. Rosé was still busy with her work today, and Jennie was just trying to avoid getting along with Lisa.

“Let me drive you there.” Lisa stood up.

“No, No. I’ve already said that I’ll pick her up by car.” After saying that, Jennie put on her shoes and quickly disappeared at the door.

Lisa looked at the empty door, frustrated.

The next morning, Jisoo, together with his assistant Irene, waited for Leo at the gate of the LM Group.

Last time, Jisoo was lazy for a while, then he lost the chance to meet Leo. Today, he didn’t dare to leave the gate of the group.

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