Chapter 84

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Seeing that Lisa was extremely serious, and his eyes darkened, Jennie laughed and said, “Why are you so serious? Besides, how can I hope to have a CEO husband? Life in a wealthy family is hard. It is beyond outsiders’ imagination. The Kim family, where I came from, is not that rich. But it hides countless intrigues. If my husband were a rich CEO, I would never have wanted to come back to such kind of life and bear the hardships.”

If Leo lived in a rich and powerful family, and he would struggle like her when she was a child, she would rather have him stay in the Paris without a father. She didn’t want him to be sent to an orphanage like her.

She couldn’t help but recall that day when Ji-yong decisively sent her to the orphanage. At that time, she cried and refused to leave. Her arms tightly grasped the table at home, but he ruthlessly pulled her and dragged her out of their house.

Also, when she finally returned to the Kim family, Chae-rin and Krystal framed her over and over again. No one was willing to really believe her sadness and despair, even Ji-yong.

That was why she regarded Kai as her only savior at that time. She wanted to leave with him as soon as possible, away from the Kim family and those people.

However, even Kai had never really trusted her. And the Kim family might also be a cage similar to the Kim family.

Since then, Jennis had become dissatisfied with rich families.

Fortunately, Lisa was not a wealthy man. He had no complicated relationships, and he was patient and kind to his child. A man like him was rare, and she was lucky to have him.

A hint of disappointment flashed through Lisa’s eyes. If he told Jennie his real identity, she would leave him without hesitation, wouldn’t she?

“Lisa, you will always treat Luca nicely, right? Will you spare no effort to protect, love, and trust him even if he makes a mistake and makes you angry? He may be thoughtless sometimes and offends someone you like and respect. But, will you always tolerate and understand him?” Jennie suddenly asked seriously, changing the topic.

Lisa looked at her, wondering why she asked those questions.

Did she want to know who was more important to him, Luca or her?

Or did she have other meaning?

He looked at her seriously with a firm will in his deep-set black eyes. “I will, Jennie. He is my son. As a father, I will take all the responsibilities for him. I love and trust him, so I will raise him. And more importantly, I will teach him to know and understand right from wrong. But if he makes you unhappy, I will also try my best to protect you, so you won’t be wronged at home.”

Lisa thought that a responsible father and husband should do these things.

Jennie’s lips curved into a sweet smile. He didn’t disappoint her. She knew that he would definitely treat Leo exactly the same as Luca.

“Thank you, Lisa.” ‘In this way, I won’t have too many regrets in my life, and I can find a trustworthy person for Da Bao.’

She walked over to him and held his hand tightly before she rushed back to her room.

Feeling the softness and fragrance of her skin that lingered in his palm, a touch of satisfaction surged from the bottom of Lisa’s heart.

He thought that the second half of his words pleased Jennie. But actually, it was the first half of his words that made her feel more relieved.

Lying on the bed and holding Luca in her arms, Jennie was in a good mood. Now that there was no problem with Lisa, she only had to wait for Leo to finally decide to live with them.

The next day, Lisa wore the clothes that he and Jennie bought yesterday.

He wore a clean and simple white T-shirt, denim shorts, and a pair of simple white shoes. Jennie also always dressed this way. So he thought that they were a couple wearing matching outfits today.

In his mind, he formed an image of him and Jennie standing next to each other. He was so satisfied with the product of his imagination that his eyes twinkled.

However, a trace of disappointment flashed through his eyes when she came out of the room, humming a song softly. She was wearing a white dress, not a T-shirt or shorts.

But with her beautiful face and youthful temperament, the simple and ordinary white dress looked very different on her. She made it look like one of the dresses of a top Italian luxury brand.

After a while, Lisa felt satisfied. Jennie looked good no matter what she wore, and she was also wearing white anyway. His white T-shirt also matched her white dress.

“I’ll drive you to the studio first.” He really enjoyed the task of sending her to work.

After dropping her off, he went directly to LM Group.

Lisa parked his car at the underground parking lot and walked towards his exclusive elevator.

A security guard quickly ran over to him and said, “Sir, please wait a moment. Guests and employees should go this way. This is an exclusive elevator for the CEO.”

The security guards in this building seldom saw Lisa. But they easily recognized him because he was very tall and eye-catching. He wore suits and shirts all year round. Even if they couldn’t see his face most of the time, they could still identify him from his temperament.

But for the first time, he wore something that he didn’t usually wear today. So even the security guard didn’t recognize him.

By the time the security guard got close to Lisa, he had already used his fingerprint to open the exclusive elevator and walked in.

It was only then that the security guard recognized him from his imposing manner.

Before the security guard could see his face clearly, the elevator doors closed.

“What’s wrong with Mr. Lisa today? Why is he wearing such clothes?” The security guard was confused. “Did we let a wrong person enter the CEO’s exclusive elevator?”

“No, he is our CEO. Don’t you see his imposing manner? Actually, I’ve already felt his unusual aura from a distance. How can he be a wrong person?”

The elevator took Lisa to the top floor. His assistant ran over to him, only to be dumbfounded upon seeing his outfit.

“Mr. Lisa, are…are you going on a vacation?” the assistant asked and thought inwardly, ‘But he didn’t ask me to change his schedule. What is wrong with him? Although he looks very handsome in his outfit, it’s not appropriate attire for conferences and other office activities. As his assistant, should I remind him not to dress this way?’

Lisa seemed to have read his assistant’s mind, so he said, “Bring my suit here before the formal event.”

“Okay, Mr. Lisa.” The assistant wiped the sweat on his forehead. Lisa had a spare suit in his office.

But what was going on? He was really confused.

In ELLE’s studio.

Everyone knew that Minzy had already decided to put Mino and Jennie on the front cover. And Chen and Krystal would be on the back cover.

As for the other models, who were supposed to be on the cover collectively, they could only appear on the inside pages now.

This, of course, made them feel very uncomfortable.

“Krystal, is it true?” someone asked sourly.

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