Different start (Rewritten)

Start from the beginning

???: Maybe I will challenge it later... But not now, I'd rather not die and waste this new life. Besides, this world seems more calmer then that... If you can even call it a world.


(1 Month Later.)


Yet another day, more killings happen so that one can get more powerful. The rest are just tools for him to toy with, and will remain as such once he no longer has use for them.

???: Test number... Errrr, I forgot.

Someone like him has always had an interest in experimenting with various powers, and coming into this world was practically a dream come true for him.

???: Seems like it is a success...

Today's experiment was to see whether a Lower dragon could take a blow from his Uriel's Law Manipulation mixed with his Unique Skill Gluttony. I don't even need to tell you what happened to the dragon, you already know what.

Buttttttt, the experiment wasn't about whether the dragon could survive or not, it was about how effective this new move he created would work. After all, they're pretty weak in his eyes and serve no purpose, might aswell use them for his curiosities satiation eh?

???: Mixing {Gluttony} Predation with Uriels Law Manipulation, I can not only corrode the opponent I'm fighting, but also burn them with flame's much, much hotter then what the average person can hold... The highest point a human can survive heat is 43.2 Celsius or 108.14 Farenheit, and the heat I will be using exceeds over 400 Celsius, hehe.

A devious smile forms on the Majins face, his eyes glinting with even more curiousity and sadistically makes his way to "test" out more fucked up abilities.

???: These monsters are getting boring... Perhaps I should challenge the guy in the middle now.

The aura that is located in the middle is big and strong, no doubt of that. However, it is very unrefined, so much that it appears the person barely possesses only an ounce of skill. Compared to him, who had existed for 500 Years and possesses that long of skill, he could probably defeat him.

???: But he might also have an Ultimate Skill...

The Majin immediately enters a cross legged position and puts a hand on his chin, deciding what to do next.

???: His aura is approximately 150... No, 200 or perhaps even more then that of which I have at the moment. What should I do... Wait...

An imaginary bulb appears above his head, and a look of realization hits him as he realizes just how stupid he is.

???: I never went near that aura because I assumed it was just one unintelligent beast... But it would've noticed me and moved towards me by now, taking into account how long I've been on a massacre... Scratch that, why hasn't it moved from it's spot yet, it wouldn't just stay in one area forever would it, it'd get too bored.

Perhaps he's overthinking, but anyone in their right mind would rather not go near whatever the hell is there in the middle.

???: Should I go see it?

It has been pretty lonely ever since he got here...

???: Fuck it, what's the worse that could happen?

. . .

???: Ho? Is that why you came here?

An amused voice asks the blue haired Majin, a tall figure that is a literal dragon. Black shiny scales across his entire body, glowing golden eyes, and two wings that are absolutely massive protuding from his back.

Tensura, An Alternate Timeline (TAAT) (Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now