Chp.26 The Stranger

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We then see Lee and (YN) finally made it in the hotel...they walked down the hallway....and to find the room where Clem and (YN) patents stayed...the two quietly and slowly enters the room...and to see it empty...but to see a rope attached to a door and a closet door...they slowly walked up to it and knowing Clementine might be in there trapped
Suddenly, they heard gun clip, as they turn and see a man, who happens to be slim and messed up, and holding a gun...

Suddenly, they heard gun clip, as they turn and see a man, who happens to be slim and messed up, and holding a gun

اوووه! هذه الصورة لا تتبع إرشادات المحتوى الخاصة بنا. لمتابعة النشر، يرجى إزالتها أو تحميل صورة أخرى.

Stranger: I got us adjusting rooms.

Lee: ..You're dead.

(YN): She better be okay, or else...

Stranger: I have a look horrible, and smell. Now, go over there.

Lee and (YN) slowly move to where they were told...and then...

Clementine: Let me out! Who's out there?!

(YN) wanted to say her name, but the stranger points his gun at him...

Stranger: Don't even think about it. And quiet please, your things, leave it there.

Lee and (YN) place whatever they had on them...

Stranger: Good, go sit down.

Lee and (YN) went to go sit down, Lee sat on the chair across the stranger as (YN) sat down on the ground next to him...

Stranger: Do you know who I am?

Lee: No, I don't know even anything about you.

Stranger: (YN) does-

(YN): No I don't.

Stranger: Hm, now Lee, you're maybe thinking "Who would have it out for me?" You know, a few months back...there might've been a station wagon in the forest? Full of all sorts of food, water...things you need, to survive...yeah, I'm not a cannibal Lee...some killer out of the woods...I'm just...a dad, I coach little league.

Lee: ...Not my fault you left it out there.

Stranger: ...

(YN): Yeah, I don't know why you were dumb enough to even leave it out there

Stranger: Watch your tone son.

Lee: ....Easy (YN)

(YN): ...

Lee: Look what you want me to say?

Stranger: I don't want you to say any thing...I want you to know what happen. Have you ever...hurt somebody you cared about?

Lee: ...Not on purpose.

Stranger: If it were on purpose, you'd be a sociopath, but I hurt bad. My son went missing, I took him out hunting even though my wife said not to. He was too young, I figured he learned....and I came back without him and the look of her face said "You're a monster"....we went out looking for him, didn't found him...I hurt her so bad....and when we came back...all our stuff are gone...your people Lee, that asshole with the baseball cap, his stupid wife, that bitch with the purple jacket...I could've seen her trust if they hadn't made our situation so desperate....the hungrier

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