Chp.4 The Pharmacy Pt.1

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After the whole situation is handled, Shawn's leg is patched up thanks to Katjaa, Kenny, his family, Lee and the kids are now off their way to Macon, as they said their goodbyes to Hershel and Shawn and the king them for the help...Kenny leaves the barn and heads to Macon...
Hours later of driving, it was dawn and night to hit soon...Kenny stops his truck knowing their low on gas...

Kenny: Welp, this is as far as we're going.

Lee: Then it's far enough.

They all exit the truck, and to roam around the streets, destroyed buildings, crashed vehicles, everything was ruined...

Duck: Look!

Duck then spots someone that's crouching..Kenny calls them...

Kenny: Hey there, you friendly? Trucks low on gas and-

But suddenly...that "someone" happens to be one of the walkers, and yet more of them appeared out of nowhere...

Kenny: Fuck!

Katjaa: We're trap!

Duck: AH!!

Kenny/Katjaa: Duck!!

Duck was in trouble as a walker grabs Duck and drops him...until suddenly, gunshots were heard and killed the walker saving was a female reporter alongside with a male Asian man...

Glenn: Run!

Everyone ran inside the pharmacy and for the gates to be locked and door shut for good...inside the pharmacy, we then see more of them, an old man, another female, and a young man...and to began arguing...

Lilly: Hey we can't take risks like this!

Carley: Yeah well we can't let people die too!

Lilly: When I say that door stays shut, I fucking mean it! We don't know these people! They can be dangerous!

Larry: Or worse they could have lead them in here!

Carley: Where's your damn humanity?!

Lilly: This is about survival! We don't need to-

Lee: Woah chill the fuck out lady! We're just trying to survive and outrun those things just like you are!

Lilly: Don't come in here and swear at me!

Lee: I'll say whatever I wanna say if you keep threatening these people with me!

Carley: Sorry, You'll have to excuse you.

Clem then holds Lee's hand...

Lee: What is it?

Clementine: I..I gotta use it.

Lee: In a minute Clem, please?

Clementine: Okay...

(YN): Come Clem, I'll take you.

Clementine: You sure..??

(YN): Yeah..besides...this is something adults that need to be talk, let's go.

(YN) takes her to the restroom...

Glenn: They got kids Lilly!

Lilly: Those things don't care!

Kenny: Then maybe you should go join them and have something in common with them!

Larry: God damn it Lilly, you have to control these people!

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