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Couple of days have pass now...and things are looking far, but still more argument has been going on in the motel between Kenny and Lilly about staying/leaving the motel. Lilly wants the group to stay, but Kenny wants to leave somewhere else safe, and Lee agrees to him, they have to leave eventually...but Lilly disagrees...and not only she does...she then finds out that someone in this Motel, amongst the a traitor. Lilly began finding out that someone in the group has been stealing supplies from them for themselves, she don't know who it is, but will find out and get to the bottom of Lee goes in and talks with her about it...

Lee: ...Hey.

Lilly: ...Hey...sorry about me riled up.

Lee: Don't need to apologize...just came here to follow up what you said about supplies being stolen.

Lilly: Do you know what's going on?

Lee: No, Just heard about you mentioning it.

Lilly: And you just came here to confess?

Lee: Look I'm not stealing shit okay? I came to help.

Lilly: ...There's a traitor Lee, here, somebody, one of us, he/she out there, they've been taking things.

Lee: For real? Who? What you got?

Lilly: Yes for real, and I don't have nothing yet, I just know...and I know what they've been stealing, the good stuff, antibiotics, oxy, fuck anything with optimum in it, and I keep my own, I'm a fucking mess right now, and can't be dealing this right now.

Lee: So you want me to look around?

Lilly: I want you to poke around.

Lee: ...Hey, what's that under your bed?

Lilly pulls out a broken lamp, glass shattered and won't turn on...

Lilly: Found it at the garbage, we don't just throw equipment, we fix it.

Lee: Hmmm...okay, I'll poke around a bit.

Lilly: Thank you.

Lee then walks out of the room with the broken lamp....and then...

Duck: A mystery!

Duck heard everything, startling Lee...

Lee: Jesus, Duck.

Duck: Sorry...Uhm, I heard you guys talkin.

Lee: And you need to unhear all that-

Duck: Can I help??

Lee: Wha-son, did you not hear what I say?

Duck: I did, but I wanna help, Clem and (YN) always help you, and I want to...You can be the greatest detective, and I can be Dick Grayson, your ward!

Lee: ....

Duck: Thats Robin.

Lee: I know who it is........Okay, you can help, but don't tell anybody.

Duck: Secrecy!

Lee: Yeah, good.

Duck: ...So, what I do?

Lee: Look around here and find anything that seems odd, suspicious and let me know, think you can do that?

Duck: I'm on the case.

Duck then roams around and helps Lee look for anything suspicious and some he does, Lee then notices Carley upstairs at the second floor of the motel...he walks up and approach to her...

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