Chp.24 Kenny's Sacrifice

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As we left off, Ben falls off the balcony trying to jump to another roof with the others...

Kenny: Me and my fucking mouth..

Omid: Holy fuck!!

(YN): Ben!! Lee, what are we going to do?! He needs help!

Lee and Ken look at each Kenny makes a run for and climb down and go help Ben...

Lee: (YN), stay here with Omid and Christa, Ken and I will handle this.

(YN): What?! No, let me help, Bens my-

Lee: I know son but there's no need for you to risk it, be worry about Clem...and if all goes bad...Christa and Omid will take care of you and Clem.

(YN): ...

Christa: Go Lee, we'll keep an eye out, hurry!

Lee: Thanks!

Lee makes a run for after Kenny, he climbs down to the floor and to find Kenny helping Ben...

Ben: O-Ow!! Uh...I-I'm okay...! I'm okay just...get me out of here..!

Lee: It's okay Ben, we'll get you out of there.

Kenny: Shit! How the fuck I can get you up?! You're like stuck or something??

Kenny: Hold still son, we're gonna get you out of here.

Kenny moves the cardboard that's on top of Ben...and as he did.
He and Lee were shocked and scared to see what he of the piles of the balcony went through Ben, having him stuck...

Kenny: Holy fucking hell...

Ben: I-I'm okay, I'm okay..!

Kenny: Don't worry, we can get you, just Uh...

Kenny tried getting him out from the pole...but Ben grunts in pain as it hurts him bad...

Lee: Don't worry, just stay calm Ben! We'll get you out of there..! We just need-!!!

Then suddenly...Lee sees walkers coming down to their way...behind as they began slowly approaching to them...

Kenny: Fuck!!

Ben: N-No!! No please, don't let them get near me! I...I don't wanna become like them!!

Kenny: ...Lee, do you have any bullets left?! I only have one!

Lee: No, I'm out!

Kenny: Shit!

Kenny looks at Ben, as he was in immense pain, and back to Lee, and the walkers approaching...he thought of something ... and to make sure Lee doesn't end up gettin bitten more...

Kenny: Lee....get the fuck out of here.

Lee: What?!

Kenny: Go back with (YN), he needs your help finding Clem!

Lee: Kenny-

Lee: This is not a discussion!!

Lee: ..No!! Hell no man! I'm not leaving you!!

Kenny: What the hell I just say damn it!!

Lee: Let's quickly get Ben and get out of here together!

Kenny: ...Sorry pal.

Kenny shoves Lee back, and to close the gate on him...

Lee: What..What the fuck Kenny?!!?

Kenny: Lee, it's alright man, it's alright.

S1 Clementine x Male Reader (Book 1)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن